Chapter 33

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Anna's POV

I gazed longingly at the once simple building and now a magnificent skyscrapper. I remembered playing around the small building as if its my playground.

"Its been a while hasn't it, champ? Our hard work payed off in the end. And now look at you! All grown up and ready to take my place." My father had his chest puffed up as if he was proud of something.

I laughed whole heartedly at my father, He's so weird.

"Father... Im still too young. Plus I need to study more to be able to fully carry this burden......And I knew you would give me this position as soon as I graduate."

I could see my father flinched at my tone when I said the last part.

"Anna... darling of course not! I was.. just reminding you of your uhhh... yes! future!" I glanced boringly at father.

"You we're gonna free yourself so that you can enjoy your holiday with mother isn't it?" That caused him to freeze immediately.

It's so funny to tease father.. He looks like a child getting scolded by his mother. Funny thing is, I've seen grandmother scolding him because he was too clingy to mother when grandmother wanted to cook with her.

He wouldn't leave the kitchen and kept hugging mother until grandmother literally hit his head with a spatula and made him kneel on the floor, looking like a kicked puppy.

Honestly, he is so different in other's eyes but he acts so lovingly and childishly at home. Not that I'm complaining but, it's precious for me to remember those memories.

As I woke up from my daydreaming, I was met with a face of worry from both of my parents.

"Deary, are you alright? Should we go to the building's clinic and check?" Mother was now holding my shoulder and inspect me thoroughly from top to bottom.

"Mother I'm fine! I was caught from a memory when father got a scolding from grandmother. His expression earlier looks exactly like last time." I giggled as my father made a face of horror while my mom was trembling in laughter.

"I see *chuckling* I guess your father does show a face of a kicked puppy."

"MARIA NOT YOU TOO!" Father was practically on our mercy at this point.

"Oh alright you two. Come on, we need to get inside and introduce Anna to the new creations." As if it was nothing, the once kicked puppy suddenly stood up straight and wore a professional business man expression.

"Right, lets go darlings." Me and mother could only laugh softly at father's sudden change in personality. He will always bring me smiles.

As we walked through corridors after corridors, it was always filled with pictures of every different creations. Even a hologram of my father was floating around. I laughed as my mother teased my father's much more handsome doppelganger.

He didnt let go of my mom for the whole journey to their office.

As I entered their office, I wasnt too surprised about the furnishings and the modernized items all over the room. Until I heard a familiar old voice.

"Annie? Is that you...?! Good heavens! You're all grown up! Do you still remember me?" As I glanced to the old man. I recognized his slightly old but handsome face. It was one of my father's best scientist and also my babysitter when father brought me to the big building's lab.

"Grumpy pops?" I was instantly hit slightly in the head after I said that name.

"Still the same old brat, are you?! This old man missed you and here you are finally, all grown up! I wasn't even able to see you grow.." I laughed as he changed his angry expression to a deppressed state.

"Dr. Zeff, do you mind taking anna around to see the newest rooms and special rooms here? Both of us would like a moment to do our paperworks before we go to the basement." I glanced at both of my parents, both insisting me to go.

I smiled in appreciation as I agree to my mom's request and asked my dearest old friend to lead me the way.

Pops showed all the new stuff they added almost every place we passed. I missed a lot of things as I grew up without visiting here.

"Its not your fault for being busy with school... And Im sure Mr and Mrs Stark thinks that way too. They were so worried about you overworking yourself but in the end they could only support you as you grow."

"I heard about your 'coming out of the closet thing'. Im very proud of you for being so brave and fight through every hardships after that. But I am very proud. My husband and I wasnt so open about our status as spouses but as we grew to love each other and be brave for each other, no matter who it is, we don't care about a damn what they say because our happiness isn't from anyone's opinion, it is our right to love each other."

For once, someone knew right away what I feel. But I'm surprised about the fact that he married his husband! Without me knowing!

I quickly pinched his arms as I complained about him not telling me about it.

"I would love to be your maid in honor! Why didn't you tell me sooner!"

"Brat! it was a quick wedding... we didn't want to raise any awareness from unnessecary people. Plus we don't want a big wedding. Just a simple wedding to officially become a married couple. That man maybe annoying and absolutely makes me go crazy almost 24/7, but thats why I love him."

They were sweet. I remembered a handsome slightly younger man, always running around following me and pops everywhere like a puppy who was happy to see it's master. I adored their relationship so much and supported them even as a kid.

We continued to joke around and telling stories about what happened these past few years of separating, when we finally arrived to a different place. A gaming room...?

"This room is specially for you annie! Its a waiting room that I personally suggested to Mr, Stark. Do you like it?"

I gawked at the large room filled with all the stuff you can think of in a gaming room.

"For me?! Isn't this a little too much pops?"

"Nonsense child! This is the least I could do for my favourite niece!"

(A/N: Since he's technically an uncle to Anna, He calls her his niece.)


Heyo! Here's the next chapter! To my reader who sent me her ideas on the next plot, I can't write your ideas yet in this plot because I wrote this in different plot but I will insert some of your ideas here UwU


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⏰ Last updated: Aug 05, 2021 ⏰

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