(Spider-verse arc) Part 2

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All the people in Manhattan are gathered outside the cathedral to commemorate the death of Peter Parker, Earth 1610's Spider-man. Y/n is seen walking out of the store, near the city hall, as he bought a spider-man mask.

Y/n: "I can't believe I'm actually gonna wear this."

Y/n begrudgingly put on the mask as he made his way through the crowd as he listens to Mary Jane's Eulogy.

MJ: "My husband, Peter Parker was an ordinary person. He always said that it could be anyone behind the mask."

He squeezed through dozens of crowds until he saw a kid with a red backpack wearing a spider-man costume that was two sizes too small to fit.

MJ: "He was just a kid that happened to get bit. He didn't ask for his powers, but he chose to be Spider-man."

Y/n made his way to the kid and stood behind him, giving him a clear view of MJ as he keeps adjusting his mask.

Y/n: (Gosh, how does he expect people to breathe through this thing?)

MJ: "My favorite thing about Peter, is that he made each of us feel powerful. We all have powers of one kind or another and in our own way. We are all Spider-man, and we're counting on you."

Kid with the backpack: "They're counting on me..."

Y/n: *leans to his ear* "Probably not 'you' specifically. It's probably a metaphor"

The scene then fades to Y/n, who has discarded his Spider-man mask, laying down on his makeshift hammock made of webs as he talks with a tarp of Spider-man.

Y/n: "Man, I can't believe you're dead. I mean I expect you to someday but...man, and You haven't gotten a chance to chase me yet."

Y/n then sat up facing the tarp as he continues to talk to it.

Y/n: "I don't usually do this, but I'm not one to kick a man while he's down as well. So I'll give you a proper send-off, free of charge.

Y/n then looked behind the tarp, seeing if it can be a proper canvas for his piece. Once meeting his criteria, he took off the tarp as he took out his custom multi-color spray can and began painting, while he was outlining, a distant scream was heard before a loud crash followed by a car alarm

Y/n: Typical New York I guess.

[Y/n POV](Timeskip)

Y/n: And...perfect! Oh, nighttime already?

perfect! Oh, nighttime already?

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(Art not mine)

I went down and looked at my masterpiece, it's just spider-man swinging but with a text at the bottom 'A Hero to always remember' with of course my signature at the bottom right of the painting.

???: "Hey, kid."

I turned to see a guy in the trench coat approach the same kid from the funeral, the kid shocked the man, sending him back as a web attached to the kid's chest. We walked towards the man and saw that he has web-shooters and a spider-man suit underneath his coat.

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