(Guy in the Chair arc) Part 10

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Citizens are gathered in manhattan, people exiting their vehicles and looking up towards a building of a genius billionaire playboy, The STARK Tower. People are taking photos of a new contraption being built above the tower thinking it was a new STARK invention.

At the top of STARK tower, however, we see The Lizard perched atop the contraption as Peter makes a few move adjustments to his invention. He coughed into his sleeve, his condition growing worse, his skin is starting to pale with green veins bulging out from his neck, his eyes and reddened with large bags under his eyelids.

Lizard: "Once my invention is complete, this city will turn into Lizards, and soon it will be The Lizard Kingdom, with me as its ruler!!"

Peter: *cough* "Any time now would be nice, Y/n"

Back with Y/n, He along with his parents are standing around the living room. The room is met with silence as Gwen winces in the situation inside but decides to see what Y/n had planned.

Mrs. L/n: "So you're telling us that you're from another dimension?"

Y/n: "Yes, it looks exactly like this one but a bit different entirely. I'm from a dimension where I am Spider-man and right now MY Peter is in danger and needs my help so I have to get-"

D/n and M/n then chuckled, confusing Y/n before slowly settling down and giving Y/n an understanding look.

Mr. L/n: "Alright Y/n, You can stay over at Gwen's for a few days we'll allow it"

Y/n: "Wait, what?"

Mrs. L/n: "Dear, You don't need to think of some elaborate situation to hang out with Gwen. You two can hang out and visit Peter as much as you want"

Y/n: "No, No, No You don't get it"

Mr. L/n: "Got to say, you almost got us there, son"

Y/n: "No, this isn't some elaborate prank-"

Mrs. L/n: "I nearly fell for that one"

Y/n: "This is serious"

Mr. L/n: "Yes, of course. You're both still young and you deserve to be together as much as you can"

Gwen was about to step in and clear up the situation but stopped when she saw Y/n's hand shaking as he clenches his hand tightly.

Y/n "Y/n is dead!!"

His sudden outburst shocked everyone in the room, the cheery atmosphere of the L/n's wiped away as Gwen placed a hand over her mouth in shock. He then looked around and saw a newspaper about an accident about a high school teenager, Y/n quickly grabbed the paper and showed it in front of them.

Y/n: "This! This is what happened to your son!"

Mr. L/n: "But that can't be...You're standing right in front of us"

Y/n: "You think I could survive getting hit by a large semi-truck going 30 miles per hour? That isn't possible"

Mrs. L/n: "So it means you really are from another dimension?"

Y/n: *sigh* "I know it's a lot to take in, but in my dimension back when you both are still world-renowned scientists, you've researched about the multiverse theory and found out that it exists"

Mr. L/n: "We did?"

Y/n: "Yes, this is the proof! I...am the proof"

He gestured to his dimension hopper before gesturing to himself. D/n then looked over Y/n's wrist and looked at his contraption intrigued.

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