Ch. 4 Unleash

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THE ALARM ON AYLA'S NIGHTSTAND WOKE THE SLEEPING WEREWOLF. She gave a groan, reaching over to turn it off. She felt something holding her to the bed and turned to find Piper next to her. The events from the night before quickly came back.

Ayla had agreed to let the other girl come over so they could talk. Piper had proceeded to apologize in person for the first time since they broke up. She had then asked if the two could just try to start over and be the best friends they had been before they ever got together. Ayla knew they had talked for at least a few hours after that. She wasn't really sure when they had stopped talking, but she was sure that she really hoped everyone that had werewolf hearing in the loft had been asleep by that point.

She sighed. She knew that she had been right when she originally planned to keep her relationship with the other girl platonic. No matter what happened between them, she didn't want Piper getting hurt. She didn't need to be dragged into the pack drama that was Ayla's life right now. But Ayla already had the feeling that no matter what she did, Piper was going to worm her way into their mess.

She turned off the alarm, before turning towards her former ex. One of Piper's arms was over Ayla underneath the comforter. The she-wolf just smiled.

The two had woken up in similar positions before. While Ayla was good at sticking to her side of the bed, Piper always moved onto that side at some point through the night. Then in the morning they would wake up tangled together just like they currently were. Given Piper's home life, Laura had tried not to be too strict about the girl staying over. She would usually push for the two girls to sleep in the living room, but some nights she hadn't bothered.

"You're staring," Piper said, never opening her eyes.

"What else am I supposed to do? I can't move," Ayla reminded.

Instead of releasing the werewolf, Piper pressed herself against Ayla, laying her head on the other girl's shoulder. Ayla just smiled, running her fingers through the girl's short hair with her free hand. "You're supposed to go back to sleep," Piper told her.

"We have school," Ayla reminded.

"Ditch with me," Piper said.

"Derek will eventually kick us both out of the loft," Ayla told her.

Piper gave a whine. "He will, won't he?" she asked.

"Oh, yeah," Ayla said.

Piper turned her head to look at the other girl, a smirk teasing at her lips. "Is he still mad about the car?" she wondered. She was referring to the time when the two were fifteen when they were caught making out in the garage by the older werewolf. Unfortunately for him, they had ended up in the back of his car while trying to avoid being caught by Laura.

"Definitely. It gets brought up every time I borrow it even though I haven't actually dated someone since you," Ayla told her.

Piper grinned. "I could never decide whether he was blushing more or you were," she said, chuckling at the memory.

"I think him. I was more terrified of my mother finding out," Ayla admitted.

"And then she didn't even care," Piper reminded.

"No, but I still felt like I was being interrogated," Ayla said, chuckling at the memory.

"You broke so quickly," Piper told her.

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