Ch. 9 The Fox and the Wolf

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THE SCROLL DIDN'T EXACTLY GIVE THEM THE ANSWER THEY WANTED. The only way to exorcise the nogitsune that it offered was to change its form. Of course, the only way any of them knew how to do that was turn Stiles into a werewolf. None of them wanted to do that.

It was Stiles. He had had the choice to become one of them in the past, and he had never wanted it. It seemed wrong to snatch the choice from him now.

So everyone once again went off to try to find different solutions. Given that Kira had discovered that her parents had a history with the nogitsune, they had figured talking to her was a good place to start.

"This looks just like me," the kitsune noticed, looking down at a photo she had found. The picture was from 1943, but the woman in it looked almost exactly like her. "This has to be my grandmother."

"You remember I told you about Malia? She's the last one who saw Stiles at Eichen House. This picture and this," Scott told her, picking up an old sword. "They found it with a body buried in a wall. The same backwards five that the oni put on us was on the wall. This sounds like it all goes back to your family. Your grandmother, your mom."

Piper frowned and took the photo from the other girl. She frowned at it. This couldn't just be simple for once.

Kira suddenly grabbed her phone, a look of concern filling her features. "What's wrong?" Piper asked.

"My dad," Kira explained.


The four teenagers went running into the high school and down the hall to Mr. Yukimura's classroom. The door was already open, while the man sat coughing on the floor. "Kira, did you bring it?" her mother asked as she stood over him.

Kira rushed over to her parents, handing her mother a vial. "You going to tell me what it is?" she asked.

"Reishi," her mother responded, quickly unscrewing the cap.

"You're not seriously giving Dad magic mushrooms?" Kira said.

Her mother sent her a look, before giving the man what was inside the vial. Mr. Yukimura coughed, and grabbed a tissue to spit black goo into. "Are you okay?" his wife asked, helping him up. He leaned back against his desk once he was on his feet, while everyone else watched him in concern.

"Stiles did this?" Scott asked.

"He wanted the last kaiken," Mrs. Yukimura told him, holding up a small, dark blade. "I've kept this near me ever since your friend disappeared."

"Mom," Kira snapped, drawing the woman's attention. "You need to talk to us, about everything."

The mother gave her daughter a nod, but didn't say anything. Piper held out the photo that Malia and Stiles had found and woman quickly took it from her. "Where did you get this?" Mrs. Yukimura asked.

"Was it Grandma?" Kira asked.

"No. It's me," her mother told her.

"That would make you, like ninety?" Piper asked. She glanced at her ex for confirmation that her math had been corrected.

"Or older," Ayla told her.

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