Ch. 12 The Divine Move

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A/N: I apologize in advance for this whole chapter, but you all had to know that Ayla wouldn't handle Allison's death well. And like I said, maybe have some tissues handy.


GREY FUR RUBBED UP AGAINST AYLA'S LEG AS SHE STARED AT HER BEDROOM WALL. Lucifer gave a gentle meow as he continued to brush up against her, but she didn't react. She couldn't remember when her tears had ran dry, she just knew they had stopped at some point. The memories still replayed however.

Both Derek and Chris Argent had arrived only a moment after Allison's death. You would think a father who had just found his daughter dead would've fallen apart. That he would've crumpled to the ground, sobbing. But Argent had barely even reacted. He had just stood there, too shocked to react in any other way.

Most of the teenagers had been crying by then. Kira's mother was pulling her away from the dead body of the girl that she had started to see as a friend. Stiles, Lydia and Piper hadn't emerged yet, but all three already knew what had happened. Well, maybe not Stiles, who was so weak that he had barely been concious. Piper may not have seen anything, but she could tell from Lydia's scream and tears what had happened.

And then Chris Argent had finally reacted, reminding everyone they needed a story. Ayla wasn't really sure what that story had been. She didn't end up staying to find out. Agent McCall had been right. Her and Derek didn't need to be caught at any other crime scenes. So the former alpha had walked over to his still sobbing niece and dragged her to her feet.

He had then taken her home, where she had continued to cry in her room. She didn't know where any of the others were. She couldn't even wrap her mind around the fact that Allison was dead. The two had never been as close as Ayla and Lydia were or Ayla and Piper, but she had still been one of her best friends. And as selfish as it was, Ayla just kept thinking of all the ways that she had been a crappy friend to the other girl since they met.

To be fair, the two probably should've never been friends in the first place. They had been, though, and it seemed like every five seconds the two had found something to do that hurt the other. They had still been close to being best friends at this point, however, and it hurt to lose the other girl.

Finally unable to take the thoughts in her head, Ayla stood up. She did so so fast that Lucifer was lurched off the bed. He landed on all fours, and looked up at her with a face that said, "Really?"

And that was enough to make a whole other wave of tears fall. "I'm sorry," she mumbled, kneeling down next to him. She pulled the feline into her arms, and he didn't hiss at her this time. He didn't give any sign of protest as she held him and cried on the floor.


Having heard the twins groaning in pain, Ayla finally made her way out of her room. She still had Lucifer in her arms, given that he hadn't seemed to mind being held. But he gave a hiss and scratched at her arms as she neared the other three werewolves. Not wanting to hurt him- even as she felt the sting of his claws forcing their way through her skin- Ayla gently sat the cat on the floor. He quickly ran back towards her room as she walked closer to the others.

"You should be fine in a couple hours. Unless whoever shot you manages to find you again," Derek was saying. He had burned all of the poison out of the two teenagers. All three frowned as they noticed that Ayla had just entered the room.

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