Chapter 11

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Yibo walked on the pavement while holding his nose.

"Boss! Boss!"

A male's voice calling him. Yibo turned to the voice. It was Renshu who driving Yibo's car in a low speed, catching up with Yibo's step.

Yibo walked to the car and climbed on the car. Renshu looked at him with questioning look.

"Tissue!" Yibo growled.

"What? What happened?" Asked Renshu when he noticed Yibo didn't leave his nose.

"Tissue, Satan!" Yibo slapped Renshu's chest with his bloody hand.

Renshu screamed when his white shirt contaminated with blood. Yibo reached the driver's door compartment and took the tissue packet from there, then he wipes his bloody nose. He dumped the used tissues on the floor.

"Boss! What happened? Who did it to you?" Cried Renshu.

"Asshole...! Damn wood....!" Yibo cursed lowly.

"Did that Omega attack you?" Asked Renshu.

"No. The tree was blocking my way!" Snarled Yibo.

Renshu snorted hearing Yibo's confession. Yibo glared at him.

"Why did you hit the tree, Boss? I though you want to hit on that Omega...!" Renshu snorted, couldn't hold his laughter.

"Shut up!!" Yibo yelled at Renshu.

"Sorry, Boss! But I found it funny!" Renshu still laughing.

Yibo wiped his hands that covered by blood. And when he wiped his palm where Zhan wrote his number,he was taken aback. He dumped the tissue and wipes his palm with his hand.

"Shit...." Yibo hissed.

Renshu stopped laughing when he heard his Master hisses with a disappoint tone.

"What happened again, Boss?" Asked Renshu.

"Shit... It's gone...." Yibo hissed again.

Renshu creased his brows in confusion. He looked at Yibo's palm which got nothing. There is only some blood stain and ink stain on it.

Yibo lifted his face and looked at Renshu. Renshu flinched. He pulled his back backward.

"Renshu....!" Yibo spoke with tremble voice.

"Boss?" Renshu was worried about his Master. He was afraid that his Master was possessed.


Suddenly Yibo's eyes glistening with tears and his lips curled downward.

"Boss? Are you away?" Asked Renshu, worried.

"Renshu....! Where is it?" Yibo growled.

"What?" Cried Renshu.

"It's gone!"

"What is gone?"

"Where is it?"


Suddenly Yibo grabbed Renshu's shirt and grips on it tightly. Of course, it made Renshu shocked. Now he was sure that his Master is possessed. His face turned pale in fear, didn't know what he sould do, stay in the car or run from the car.

"It's gone! Renshu! It's gone! I'm so so stupid! I supposed to bring my phone with me! I have to learn to memorize my phone number from now on! Renshu! Now it's gone! I'm failed! Renshu...! What can I do now??" Yibo wept while shaking Renshu.

"What is gone??" Renshu screamed, managing his fear when he saw Yibo cried like a little kid. It's the first time he saw Yibo cried after he grew up.

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