Chapter 23

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The mansion of Wang's family seemed to be quiet, even though there are the servants busy doing their daily chores. But the Wang's family members were out of the mansion to attend the packs' event that day. The whole family, even the Butler, except Yibo.

He was curling up in his bed. His body shaken as if he is getting a fever. The whimper sound escaped from his mouth. No one has noticed his condition since he still locking himself inside his room. The servant who sends him the food also was unable to enter the room just to give him the food. They only left the food on the tray trolly in front of the door that remains untouched, and Yibo seems to never come out of his room to get them in.

The servant came back and saw the food was still there. She shook her head. She felt pity for the Alpha who got the great change since he found out about his background. Actually, many times Yibo attempted to escape and run away from the mansion, but his parents, especially his Omega father begging him to not go. Even his sisters also didn't allow him to leave the house.

"Master Wang?" The servant knocked on the door.

But there was no answer.

"Master Wang.... You have to eat. How many days you've never eat?" The servant spoke again.

But still, there was no answer. The servant sighed. She gave up. She pulled the trolly tray and pushed it downstairs, bring it back to the kitchen.

"He still doesn't want to eat?" Asked Renshu when he bumped into the servant downstairs.

The servant sighed and shook her head.

"I'm going to see him!" Said Renshu.

"As if you can!' The servant snorted.

"Just wish me luck, Jie!' said Renshu, winks at the servant.

Then he strode upstairs, straight away to Yibo's room.
Arrived in front of Yibo's room, he knocked on the door.

"Boss?" He called his Master.

There was no answer, but he could hear the sound like someone was whimpering.

"Boss? Are you okay?" Renshu was alert when he hears the sound.

The whimper turned into a soft groan.

"Ooh.... Shit! Why is it come so early?" Renshu started to panic. He ran to the staircase and shouted.

"Get all the Omegas away! Hurry up! Get the Omegas away!!'

The people in the mansion who hear him shouting started to panic, too. They are running to inform the others. They brought the Omega to the basement and locked them down there. They knew if Renshu told them so, that means their youngest employer's kid is  on his rut.

Renshu came back to the door and tried to open the door forcefully by banging his body on it. The door broke in a few attempts of banging. Inside the room,on the bed he saw Yibo curled up into a ball. He hugged his knees that touching his nose and his body is shaking.

Renshu ran in and approached Yibo then grabbed him.

"Oh, shit!' he cursed when he feels Yibo was very hot. His rut is on the way.

"Boss! Let's go!" Said Renshu. He forced Yibo to get up.

"Xiao Zhan...." Yibo growled. His eyes closed tightly.

"I know. I'll get him for you! But you have to get out of here first!" Said Renshu. He helped Yibo to walk.

But when they reached the doorway, suddenly Yibo turned to Renshu then grabbed his neck and chocked him. His eyes now wide open and bloodshot. Renshu wasn't surprised with his behavior. He grabbed Yibo's hand that chocking him.

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