Chapter 18

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Yibo briskly walked out of the house. He met his Alpha father at the porch.

"Yibo!" His Alpha father called him.

"Father...!" Yibo turned to his father.

His father came approaching him. Yibo looked at the male. His father sighed. He grabbed Yibo's shoulder, but then he taps.on it lightly.

"Didn't you want to tell me something, Father? What is it?" Asked Yibo. His voice somehow lighter than usual talking to his Alpha Father.

Yibo felt much netter after he met Zhan and knowing that the Omega has a mutual geeling to him. The only obstacle was his Alpha mother which makes Zhan keeping the distance aith Yibo.

"No," Yibo's father shook his head.

Yibo still looked at him. He was wondered what the hella thing his parents wanted to tell him in the family meeting anfew days ago? Amd it seed that his two sinlings even their spouses knowing about it.

"It's not an important thing...!" Said his fatjer, drops his hand from Yibo's shoulder.

His father turned around and walks away. Honestly, Yibo wanted to stop him and force him to try alk it out. He was sure that it isn't a small thing like his father told him. But Yibo was feeling excited more to see Zhan than digging the information form anyone in the house about what they're.hiding from him. He wanted to see Zhan at his work place. He's sure than the male won't reject him now.

"Alright. Then I gotta go now....!" Said Yibo.

He opened the car door. Before he climbs in, je looked around, as if he was looking for someone.

"Ranshu!!" He shouted outloud, earns his father attention who was going to step into the house.

In two seconds, ther was Renshu running like a dog.

"Boss!" Remshu grinned at Yibo.

"Let's go!" Said Yibo, throwing the key at the other boy which promptly caught by Renshu.

Yibo clined into the car and sat on the front passenger seat. Renshu grinned. His grin disappeared when he saw the older Alpha was looking at them from the entrance. He nodded at the Alpha full of respect.

Renshu jumped into the car and started the engine.

"Where are we going, Boss?' asked Renshu.

"Selve,'" answered Yibo, short.

"Seven eleven?" Renshu turned to Yibo.

Yibo glared at him. Renshu grinned.

"Miss him badly, huh?" Renshu didn't stop grinning.

"Just drive and go!" Yibo retorted.

"Aye, aye, Sir!" Renshu chuckled. Then he pulled the gear up and turned the car crawl.on the mansion driveway.

In a short while, they arrived at the shop where Zhan works. Yibo inbucked hus seatbelt.

"I'll go in alone...! Don't go anywhere...!" Said Gibo before he climbed out of the car.

"Yes, Boss!" Replied Renshu, cheekily.

Yubo walked up to the shop. He opened the door and the door makes the sound. Je saw there is no ine in the counter. He looked around the tiny shop.

"Hello?" He tried to call the shopkeeper whom he thought is Zhan. Yibo knew.very well Zhan's working schedule. He head asked Zhan's manager to give hum his schedule, the shifts.

There was no answer. So, he decided to walked to the back of the shop. A girl came out of a room. A store room. It's shown from the boxes she's carrying on her.hands.

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