Pre-chapter 1

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                               Rob's POV

I was in the kitchen cleaning up after the meal I made for Mat. I am doing the dishes and then I acidently drop a plate. It shatters and Mat comes running in. I've done it now. Oh and by the way I'm Rob I'm 19 years old and I live with Mat. Mat is 22 years old. Now back to the story. "You idiot what is wrong with you" he screams at me. "I..I'm s..sorry" I say while studdering. He walks up to me and slaps me really hard. "Clean this mess up then come to my room. Understand" he asks me and I nod. I clean up the broken glass pieces and throw them away. I slowly walk up to Mat's room. I open the door to his room and he grabs me. "Lie down now" he yells at me. I do as I'm told and I lie down. He gets on top of me and forcefully kisses me. He rips my shirt off and takes his off also. "Please stop" I start to cry. "Shut up you worthless peice of shit" he screams at me. He unbuttons my pants and Rips them of along with my underware. He starts bobbing his head up and down on my member. I'm crying because I don't like this I want him to stop. He stops but then flips me over. I hear him unbutton his pants and take them off. He is now compleatly naked and he puts his member at my entrance. He shoves it in at full force and I let out a scream of pain. "It will stop hurting after a little bit" he tells me sounding annoyed. He moves in and out in and out really fast and hard. Its not getting any better it hurts really bad. He goes in again and I cry out really loud. "Shut up" he screams at me and goes out of me. Its been like 5 minutes and its not getting better I'm still crying. "Get dressed" he tells me. I get up slowly it hurts so bad. I manage to get dressed and he walks me downstairs. He hands me my phone and shoves me out the door. "I never want to see you again ya baby" he screams at me. I try to talk but I can't. He slams the door in my face and I start walking. I found some money in my pants and I buy a train ticket. I get on and it starts moving. (Time skip) I get off the train to see its 9 pm and the sign says im in Texas. Never been here before. I walk for a while then I find a bench and sit on it. I bring my knees to my chest and look at my phone. Nothing. I just put my head in my lap and cry. A little while later I feel something on my shoulder. I look up to see a boy, he has his hand on my shoulder. "Are you ok" he asked. I try to talk but I cant. "Can you talk" he asks. I shake my head no and he nods. "Were do you live" he asks. I shrug my shoulders and he asks if I want to come to his house. I shrug my shoulders again. He then picks me up. I gasp at his actions. He laughs and continues to walk. We arrive at I pursume to be his house. He unlocks the door and walks in. He sits me on the couch and hands me paper and a pencil. He asks me a ton of question like how old am I, what's my name but then he asked how I got here. I write it down and he looks at my shocked. "Get some sleep" he tells me and I lie down. I fall asleep quickly on his couch.
Pre chapter done yay! Bye my princesses and princes.

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