Chapter 26

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                                Rob's POV

After I kissed Preston's cheek he fell asleep pretty fast. I got up and walked into the kitchen. "Hey rob" Jerome says. I wave at him and he smiles. "Are you done being stupid yet" Lachlan says smirking. I just ignore him and he got mad. He grabbed my jaw and made me look at him. "Now you see here, you listen to me and answer my questions understand" he says viciously. I nod quickly and look away. "God why are you so worthless" Lachlan says looking at me. I shrugged my shoulder and he laughed. " well mabey its because your just a freak" he says smirking. I frown and look at my lap. "Look at me when I talk to you" he says but I continue to look at my lap. "I said look at me" he says back handing my cheek. I start to cry and I run away. Jerome chases me and grabs my arm. "Hey don't listen to them they are just being mean to you" he says but I shake my head no and get out of his grip. I run and lock myself in Preston's room. I curl into a ball on the bed. They are right I'm a freak. A nobody. No one cares about me. I'm just plain worthless. I start to cry more and I want Preston. I get up and unlock the door. I run to the living room and shake Preston. He wakes up and imeadiatly hugs me. "Hey what's wrong baby" he asks and I point to the kitchen. "What did they do now" he asks more so to himself. He gets up and walks to the kitchen.
P- What happened
L- I was just telling him the truth
P- like what
L- that he is a freak and worthless
P- what is wrong with you he is none of those things
L- but he is and you know it
P- grow up

Is the last thing I hear before Preston walks back into the livingroom. "Hey baby, its OK don't listen to them" he says but I look away. I mouth "its true" to him and frowns. "None of that is true, your special and unique that's all" he says and I nod. I get up and walk to the basement. I sit down and play Xbox for awhile. Then all of the sudden the power goes out. I whimper quietly and get out my phone. Then all of the sudden I'm grabbed from behind and thrown to the ground. "Hey Robbie" I hear someone say and I know that voice all to well. Mat!
Bet that was unexpected he is back... bye bye guys

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