Chapter 24

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Preston's POV

After I got Rob to stop crying we layed down and he soon fell asleep. I layed there awhile just thinking about us. After a little bit I finally drifted to sleep with the only thing on my mind being Rob. I awake and I look around, Rob is not here. I get up and walk out of the room. "Rob" I wisper-yell trying not to wake the others. I walk into the living room and the first thing I notice is Lachlan sitting on the couch. " where is Rob" I ask Lachlan. "He went outside" Lachlans says shrugging his shoulders. I go to the door and notice his shoes and coat are inside. I also see that the door is locked. I unlock it and go outside. Rob is huddled in the corner of the porch in only boxers and a under shirt. He must be freezing its only 15° F. He is also shaking and crying. I pick him up and carry him to our room. "Are you OK baby" I ask but he shakes his head no. "Who did this to you" I ask but he shruggs. "Here lay down and warm up baby" I tell him while laying him down on the bed and tucking him in. I go to walk away but he holds on to my arm. "Baby I need to go have a chat with Lachlan" I tell him but he still refuses. I pull him off me and mouth sorry and go to talk to Lachlan. I walk into the living room and see Lachlan in the same position as before. He is sitting on the couch watching TV. "Did you lock Rob out" I ask him and he shruggs. "He wanted out and I granted him that" Lachlan says. "But you dident let him get dressed" I say and he just shrugs. "Ugg can't you two just behave" I ask and he smirks. "He started it like always" Lachlan says and I walk away rolling my eyes. I walk to my room and see that Rob has fallen asleep. I grab a washcloth and soak it in hot water. Then I ring it out and put it on Robs forehead. He moves a little but remains asleep. I hope he does not get sick.
A little bit of foreshadowing yay. I know it short but sorry I will try to write more later bye bye guys.

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