Chapter 11

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                          Preston's POV

I walk back into the bedroom and Rob is half asleep. I go and sit by him. I lift him up and sit him in my lap. He purrs a little and cuddles into my chest. "Hey baby, did you do it again" I ask and he looks at me confuzzled. He lays his head back down and closes his eyes. He is probley really tired, to tired to know what's going on. I lift up his sleeves and I see cuts running up and down his arms. He cuddles into me more and purrs. I lay down and cuddle with him. I run my hands threw his short hair and he purrs a little. I kiss him on the forehead and he falls asleep quickly. I just lay there looking at him for a while before sleep finally takes me over. I open my eyes and look around the room. Rob is gone so I get up and look around for him. I find him laying on the couch on my phone. "What are you doing" I ask him and he looks at me. He shows me my phone and he is going threw my pictures. He gets to one where he is cuddled into me sleeping and I am smiling. He gets up and hugs me. I walk him to the kitchen and he eats some yogurt and gets a glass Of water. We go and snuggle on the couch while watching some tv. "What do you want to do" I ask him. He gets up dragging me with him and taking me to the back yard. There is a swing and he goes and sits on it. I push him for a while and he gets up and we walk inside together. I get on my phone and notice my Twitter is blowing up. I look on there and see rob posted the pick of us cuddling. All the coments say aww or I ship it stuff like that. I smile at rob and pick him up. I spin him a couple of times and sit down with him on my lap. We just cuddle on the couch most the day and Rob fell asleep. I lay down and cuddle into Rob. Even know I can't call him mine yet I'm just glad I have him here.
I think that's all tonight... goodnight my friends...

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