Chapter 9

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                            Preston's POV

He stops leaning in but I lean in a little more. Right before I'm about to kiss him he gets up and runs to the bathroom. I get up and run after him. I knock on the door but get no responce. I try the door knob and surprisingly its unlocked. I walk in and see Rob sitting in the cornor crying. I walk over to him and try to pick him up but he won't let me. After fighting with him I finally get his arms pinned down. I sit down and put him in my lap. He cries on my bare chest. "Shh its OK." He cuddles into me more and wimpers. "I'm sorry baby" I tell him. He shakes his head no and wrapps his legs around me. He cuddles into the crook of my neck and his breathing tickles. I laugh a little and he sighs. "Wanna go lay down" I ask him and he nods. I get up with him wrapped around me and go lie down. He lays on top of me with his arms wrapped around my neck. I fall asleep pretty quickly.

                              Rob's POV

I get up pretty early like normal and walk upstairs. No one is around and Preston shouldn't be up for a while so I will go on a morning stroll. I walk over to the door and put on my shoes and a jacket. I walk out the door and I start walking down the street. Then I hear the most dreading noise Preston oh no. "Robert Latskey" he says. He used my full name I'm in trouble. I look down and close my eyes. "Get over here now" I hear him say. I open my eyes and run to the back yard. I get tackled to the ground by Preston. He pinns my arms down and he is breathing heavily. I close my eyes shut tightly. "Robbie look at me" I hear him say calmly but I don't open my eyes. He lets go of my arms and the first thing I do is wrapp them securly around him then I do the same with my legs. He gets up and carrys me inside. He walks down the stairs and into the room. He sits me down on the bed and looks at me. He then picks me back up and hugs me. He hugs me? "Your still in trouble but it will have to wait. We need to pack baby" he tells me. I nodd and i start packing. I get done and so does Preston. He sits me on his lap and wraps his arms around my waist. "What am I going to do with you" he asks. I look down and shrug. He lays me down and kisses my forehead. "Stay here and I mean it" he tells me. I nodd and he leaves the room. I sit there for a while and them my stummy starts to hurt a little. I run to the bathroom and throw up. I sit on the floor of the bathroom and tuck my knees in to my chest and put my head in my knees. Then I hear Preston walk in and he comes and sits by me. "What's wrong Robbie" he asked me. I point to my stomach it feels funny. "You better be better in an hour" he tells me. I look at him confuzzled and he tells be thats when we leave for the airport. I nod and he picks me up. We walk upstairs and Mitch and Jerome comes walking in. "Can't he walk" Jerome asks laughing. "Yes that's why he is always getting in trouble he walks away without notifying anyone" Preston tells  them. They laugh and I bite Preston's ear. "Ow" Preston yells. "What" Mitch and Jerome both ask. "He bit me" Preston says and they burst out laughing. They leave and Preston starts walking back downstairs. "Why did you bite me" Preston asks me. I just nibble on his ear and he cuckles. "That tickles" he says I kiss his ear and lay my head on his shoulder. We arrive to the room and he sits me down. "Grab your stuff I called a taxi he should be here any minute" Preston says. I obey and get my stuff and we walk upstairs together. He says goodbye to Mich and Jerome and I wave to say goodbye. We walk outside and wait for the taxi. He arrives, grabs are stuff and puts it in the trunk. We get in the back and he keeps eyeing Preston. He does it again and I reach over and kiss Preston on the cheek. The driver rolls his eyes and looks away. Preston looks compleatly lost as of what just happened. We arrive at the airport and bored are flight.  My stummy hurts a little so I tap Preston's shoulder and he looks at me. I rub my stummy a little and then he starts doing it for me . I purr quietly and lay my head on his shoulder. I look out the window and the ground slowly disappears the higher we get. We just got off the flight and we get our stuff this time while we are getting our stuff he doesent let go of my hand. We walk out to his car and get in. We drive to Preston's house and we go straight to bed. Preston wrapps his arms around me and pulls me close to him. I lay my head on his chest and fall in to a deep sleep. I wake up and look around the room. Preston is sleeping and its still dark outside. I get up and at Preston's house im allowed to go outside to the backyard. There is a fence up so I can't really go that far. I'm tired but I can't fall back asleep. I walk outside and sit on the steps on the back porch. I look down and start to cry silently. I keep thinking about Mat and what he did to me. Then I hear the back door open and I try to wipe away the tears but they keep falling. Preston sits behind me and sits me in his lap. "Hey baby what's wrong" he asks. I look down but he pulls my head up and onto his chest. He stands up picking me up bridal style and walks inside. He takes us to his room and lays down on the bed. "Try to get some sleep" he tells me I nodd and yawn. I cuddle into Preston and I fall asleep again.

                             Preston's pov

Its morning time now and I just got up. Rob is still asleep and I'm just staying in the room to keep an eye on him. I think he is coming down with something. He has had some headaches,stomachaches and he has been throwing up. I go and feel his forehead he feels warm. I go and get the thermometer. I shake him and sits up. "Open up" I tell him. He does so and I tell him to close. After a minute it beeps it says 102°. "Do you feel OK Rob" he shakes his head no and puts his arms out wanted to be picked up. I pick him up and rock him back and forth. "Want me to take you to the doctor" he nods and jumps down running to the bathroom. I can hear him throw up. He comes walking back in and makes me pick him back up. "Here lay down and I'll call your Doctor" I tell him. He lays down and I leave the room. I call the doctor and get an appointment set up for later today. I walk back in and Rob runs to me. "Your appointment is at one 1pm" I tell him and I look at the clock. Its 11:45am now and we need to leave around 12:25. "Let's start getting you ready" I tell him. I go and grab him his clothes. I pull off his shirt and help him pull on his new shirt. Then I get his pants on and he is ready to go. I go get dressed and I look at the time 12:15pm. 10 minutes later. We are heading out the door and we get in the car and start are long drive. We arrive there and I sign Rob in. We sit down and Robs name is called. We walk through the door to get where all the rooms are. "OK first let's take your waight" the nurse tells Rob. I look at the scale and it says 102pounds. He really needs to eat more. The nurse takes us to one of the rooms and asks some questions about what's been going on. Then she says the Doc will be in shortly. We wait and then Robs doctor walks in. "Hello gentlemen" he says. I smile at him and he asks some questions. Then he starts doing some tests on Rob and I can tell Rob doesent like it. "OK I will be back shortly" the Doc says and leaves. Rob comes and sits by me and lays his head on my shoulder. "You don't like being here do you" I ask him. He shakes his head no and frowns. The doctor walks back in and tells Rob to go back on the thing you sit while your at the doctor but Rob shakes his head no. "Rob go do what the doctor asks" I tell him and he obeys. "OK it looks like Rob has the stomach flu. Have him eat only soft foods and drink lots of liquids OK" the doctor says. I nodd and he says were free to go. We leave and Rob looks sad. "Wants wrong babe" I ask him. He rubs his stummy and wimpers. "You'll be better in a few days baby" I tell him. He gets in the passenger side and I get in the drivers side. He lays his head on my shoulder and purrs. "What" I ask and he cuddles his head into my neck. "I can't cuddle right now silly, I'm diving but I will cuddle with you when we get home" I tell him and he nods. We arrive home and go to our room. I lay down with him and we cuddle for awhile. "Wanna sit on my lap while I record" I ask him and he nods.

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