Chapter 23

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                              Rob's POV

We arrive home and walk in. Lachlan is sitting on the couch and when he sees me stands up. I try to run upstairs but Preston is holding my arm. I stop and hide behind Preston. "I'm sorry Rob I shouldent of upset you and I shouldent have acted like that" Lachlan says while looking at me. "Rob, do you forgive him" Preston asks but I ignored him. He slaps the back of my head and glares at me. I get mad so I push him and he falls down. I run upstairs and lock myself in Preston's room. I hear someone knocking quite loudly. "Dang it Rob, open this fudging door" he yells at me. I cry because it feels like he just dosent understand that Lachlans a bad person. "Open this door now or else" I hear Preston yell at me. I stand up and unlock the door. He come in and crosses his arm while tapping his foot. " You get down there and apologise to Lachlan for acting like a baby" he says sounding mad. I shake my head no and cross my arms looking away from him. He grabs my arm and pulls me downstairs. He sits me on the couch and stares at me. "Your not leaving this couch until you apologise" he says. I whimper and he just frowns at me. "Lachlan come hear please" Preston yells. Lachlan walks in and smiles at me. "I see you stopped pouting" he says. I kick his leg and he yelps. " Rob!" Preston yells at me. "Apologise now" he says. I mouth I'm sorry and get up to leave but Preston pushes me back on the couch. "No your in time out now stay hear until I say other wise" Preston says and I tear up. He started it why do I always get punished. Preston leaves and Lachlan smirks at me. He pulls his hand back far and wack! He back handed me on my cheek. I start to cry and I pull my knees to my chest. "Now, stop acting like a 4 year old and grow up little b*tch" he says and I try to get up and leave. "No no no Preston said stay hear until he says you can leave" he smirks at me and leaves. I sit there with my head in my knees and my knees pulled to my chest crying. Preston walks in and frowns at me. "Baby, stop crying it was just a little time out" he says sounding calm. I look up and him and he frowns. "What happened to your cheek" he asks and  i start crying more. He sits by me and sits me on his lap. "Did someone hit you" he asks and i nod. "Lachlan" he asks and I nod again. "Lachlan" he yells and Lachlan walks in. "Why did you hit him" he asks and Lachlan looks at me. "Because he was acting like a baby and I was just punishing him" Lachlan says. "Well first you don't punish by hitting someone and second you had no right to" Preston says and Lachlan rolls his eyes walking away. "Are you OK Robbie" he asks and i nod. "When is the last time you ate anything" he asks and I shrugg. "Well let's eat" he says and I shrugg. He gets up and walks into the kitchen and sits me on the island. "I'm going to cook a pizza and your going to eat" he says and I shrugg again. He sighs and starts cooking. He finishes and hand me a slice. I look at it for a moment and frown. I shake my head no and hand it back but he won't take it back. "Your eating it if you want to or not. Its for your own good and I have noticed your wait loss" he says looking at me. I take a bite and frown again. Not that its not good I just can't bring myself to eat it. I just sit there and look at it. Preston takes it from my hand and puts it in front of my lips. I open my mouth slowly and he makes me take a bite. I chew it up and slowly swallow. He repeats multiple times until nothing is left. He smiles and hugs. "Thank you rob" he says and I smile. He leans up and kisses me. I am quick to respond by deepening the kiss. He licks my bottom lip and I let out a small groan. He smiles and I open my mouth. We continue are small make out session until we are rudely interrupted by someone clearing their throat behind us. I pull away breathless and see Jerome smirking at us. I look down my face slowly getting hotter from embarrassment. Preston chuckles and picks me up. I wimper from the sudden movement. He laughs quietly and carrys me up to his room. "Wanna continue" he asks and I slowly nod. I think I'm ready for this now. He lays me down and gets on top of me. He starts kissing me and I feel his hand get lower. He starts rubbing my thigh slowly, seductively and i sigh under his touch. He starts to move his hand slowly to my member and I flinch. All of the sudden I have a vision. Its what mat did to me. He is undressing me and wispering bad things into my ear. I finnaly go back to reality and start crying and I push Preston off of me. "Shh, its OK I see your not ready its OK I'll stop. I'm never going to do anything your not ready for dont worry babe" he says while hugging me. I hug him back and cry into his shoulder. I hope I will be ready soon but just not yet.
Sorry it took so long just been busy and I've had some issues. So I hope you like it. Oh and I wrote a poem.
Rob is the vadka,
You can be the chaser,
Poofless is life,
Don't hate me because I'm hype,
Poofless is my life.
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