Chapter 1

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Two years later. Rob is now 21 and Preston is 19. They live in Texas together.
                             Rob's POV

Preston made this rule just now. I must listnen to him and do what he tells me to do or he'll kick me out. I feel like a kid right now. "Rob" Preston yells from a few rooms down. O yea and I do all the editing on his videos for him and if I don't do them he gets mad at me. I don't like when he is mad it makes me feel bad. I go into the room and he pats his lap. I go and sit on his lap. "OK I want you edit this video while I cook supper" he tells me. I nod and he kisses my forehead and leaves for the kitchen. I finish the video and post it. I leave while its renduring and go to the kitchen. He cooked pizza its not my favorite but I'll eat it. He hands me a slice and I eat like half of it. Yea I don't like pizza that much. "I know its not your favorite but finish one piece" he tell me. I shake my head no and cross my arms. " please for me" he beggs. I nod and finish the slice of pizza. "Did you finish that video" he asks. I nod again and he smiles at me. He puts my plate away and carrys me to his room. We share his bed because I wake up from nightmares alot and he wants to be near me when it happens. He lays me down and gets in right by me. "Good nighy, Robbie" he yawns out. He puts his arms around me and I purr at his touch. He laughs at me but he is used to me purring. I fall asleep and enter the dream world. I see Mat and he is grinning evily at me. He throws me to the ground and gets on top of me. He strips me of my pants and boxers and flips me around. He shoves his member in me at full force. End of dream. I wake up and start crying. Preston gets up and hugs me. He sits me on his lap and I whimper a little to tell him I'm scared. "Shh its OK it was just a dream. I'm right here." He tells me, I cuddle into his chest more and he lies down with me still laying on his chest. He runs his hand threw my short hair and has the other one around my waist. I look at the clock and it reads 4am. I yawn and he starts humming a song I don't know. I fall asleep quickly in his embrace. 
I hope it was alright for you guys. Bye my princesses and princess.

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