Chapter 21

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                                 Rob's POV

All of the sudden I hear the door knob being jiggled and after a second Preston walks in. "Hey rob I over reacted I'm really sorry" he says and looks at me but I get up and leave the room. I go into the guest room Mitch and Jerome are staying in. I walk around for awhile but then Mitch walks in. "What are you doing in here" he yells at me and I flinch. He grabs me and throws me to the ground. I try to fight back but he is stronger and he hits me in the side. The tears start to flow out of my eyes but the Jerome comes in. He throws Mitch off of me and says "Mitch what the hell is wrong with you." Mitch looks as if he just came to his sences. I'm now against a cabnit still crying and its like I can't move. Then Preston walks in, he trys to comfort me but I know he hates me so I push him away. He screams at mitch and I run out of the room. I run downstairs and huddle in a corner. Preston comes running down after a few moments. "Robbie baby come here I'm so so so sorry" he says but I just continue to cry in the cornor. He comes over and picks me up. I hug him. I have really missed him alot. I give him a kiss on the cheek and wrapp my legs around his waist. "I'm so sorry baby please forgive me I love you so so much" he says and I nod. He smiles and trys to sit me down but I won't let him. "You just wanna be carried silly" he asked. I nod and smile while he chuckles at me. He rocks me back and forth for awhile making me yawn. "Wanna lie down for a little babe" he asks and I shake my head but proceed to yawn again. He laughs and takes me upstairs. He carrys me to his room and lays me down. He trys to walk away but I won't let him. He eventually gives in and lays down by me. I fall asleep quickly but I have a horibble dream.

                        (Dream little smut)
I'm in a dark room, there is one little light hanging from the ceiling. I hear a door open and look towards the direction it came from. Mat walks in and puts his arms around my waist. He starts kissing my neck, I try to get away but its like I'm frozen I can't do anything. I start to cry and he laughs at me. I whimper and he bends down pulling my pants and boxers off. He starts sucking on me and he licks my slit. (End of dream)

I jolt up and imedeatly start to cry. I look around and Preston isent in here. I look out the window and see its dark. I get up and head out of the room. I look in the living room and see Preston. I run up to him and hug him. "Shh what's wrong baby" he asked and I just cuddle more into his neck. "Did you have a nightmare baby" he asks and I nodd as more tears flow. He sits down on the couch and I sit on his lap. He runs his hand threw my hair and whispers sweet nothness in my ear. I fall back asleep quickly and this time I have no dreams.

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