Chapter 22

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                           Preston's POV

Rob falls back asleep and I lay him down on the couch. I walk into the kitchen to see Mitch and Jerome talking. "Hey guys" I say and they smile at me. "So what happened" I ask looking at Mitch. He looks down and frowns. " He has had some weird mood swings lately and I guess he just fliped out on Rob. It was an accident I'm really sorry he did that" Jerome says looking at Mitch. I nod and smile at him. "Its OK, but Jerome please keep an eye on him" i tell the both of them. They nod and I go back to Rob. I sit down by him and he yawns. I look at him and he is smiling at me. I lean down and give him a quick kiss. "Are you feeling better, you've had a ruff few days" I say and he looks around. He looks at me eventually and nods. "You sure" I ask and he nods. He sits up and he ingulfs me in a huge hug. "I love you" I tell him and he smiles noding. "So what do you wanna do" I ask the mute but he just shruggs. "Wanna play a game" I ask him and he nods. "OK let's play...umm... hid and seek" I tell him and he smiles. " Boyz get in here" I scream and Jerome, Mitch and Lachlan walk in. "We're going to play hid and seek alright" I say and they nod. "Everyone put a foot in" and they did so. We chose who was it and it was Mitch. "Count to 50 and then come find us" Jerome says and everyone takes off running. I run and hide behine the door in our laundry room.

                                   Robs POV

I run and go to me and Preston's walk in closet. I sit down and hide behind the hanging cloths. "Ready or not here I come" I hear Mitch scream. After a few minutes Mitch walks into the bedroom. He looks around but leaves after a minute. "Dang it" I here someone yell that sounds like Lachlan. Haha he got found and Mitch just walked right by me. After about 4 more minutes I here someone yell "how" and I just smile. It sounded like Preston. So its just me and Jerome left. I see Jerome run by the room. Huh he must be changing location every one in a while. Then I hear my phone beep but it was quiet because I'm sitting on it.

J- turn your volume off they have their phones out.

R- OK I did and are you changing location

J- yep got to go now bye be careful

I turned my volume off and put it back in my pocket. My phone lights up and I see its Preston calling me. Haha there trying to be tricky. I just start to text him.

R- what do you want

P- tell me where you are babe

R- why should I do that

P-so I could find you duh

R- not happening bye bye

P- don't you dare

I stopped texting him and peeked out. Preston just walked right by the room. Then Lachaln walks in and starts looking. He comes right in frount of me and moves the colthes. He found me. "Found you" he says and I smile and nod. I get up and walk out. "Hey you got found I see" Preston says hugging me. I nod and help them looks for Jerome. I hear movement from behind and turn around. There is Jerome and I see Preston chase after him. "Found you" I hear Preston yell after a second. Welp now everyone has been found. "Let's play cod on the Xbox" Lachlan yells making me flinch. Preston smiles and runs downstairs with the rest following him. I walk down and see them getting it set up. "OK, Rob you playing" Preston asks and I nod. He hands everyone a controler and we start playing. We are on our last round and I see Lachlan run around Me and I shoot him. He dies and I win. I hug Preston and smile. I won something cool. "Good job Robbie" he says and hugs me. "Yea good job Robbbiiee" Lachlan says mocking my name. I get upset and run upstairs. I run out side and sit on the swing. I start to cry silently bacuse I don't like being made fun of. Preston walks over to me and hugs me. "Hey he was just playing" he says but I don't care it still hurt. " shh baby your OK he dident mean to upset you, you know that" he says but do I really. The whole time they have been here they have treated me like crap so how do I know he was just joking. I don't. I hug Preston and cry into his chest. "Wanna go to the park and hang out for awhile" he aks and I nod. He grabs my hand and leads me out to the sidewalk. We start walking to the park hand in hand.

                             Lachlan's POV

I feel horrible. I finnaly got him to not hate me and now I made him cry, again but in my defence he is acting like a baby. I was just messing around and he got all upset over nothing. Its probly Preston's fault for babying him so much. Rob is so dependent he probley doesn't even know what independent means like for real. Preston needs to let him grow up a little but could rob really make it on his own. Probley not to be honest I guess for now Preston is the best thing for him. Only thing is Preston needs to loosen the leash just a little bit.

                               Robs POV

We walk to the park and no one is hear like usual. I go and sit on the swings while Preston pushes me. "So, you like going to the park don't you" Preston asks and I nod. I really do its so much fun. I get to swing and be alone with Preston. Its a blast. We start our walk back home and I just enjoy being with Preston alone for awhile.
Its a longer chapter I believe. I hope you enjoy bye bye guys.

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