Chapter 7

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                           Preston's POV

"I'm gonna go check on him. I'll be right back" I tell them and start walking downstairs. I walk into our room and see Rob curled up in a ball on the bed. He is crying a lot and whimpering. I go sit by him and put him in my lap. "Shhh, what's wrong baby? Your OK I'm here" I tell him. He cuddles into my chest and purrs asking to cuddle. I cuddle with him and after a while I get up but he won't let me leave. So I pick him up like a kid and he wrapps his legs around me. I walk up stairs and sat him on the couch and go into the kitchen to get him some food. "What do you have to eat for Rob" I ask Mitch. He shruggs but Mat gives me a jar of peanut butter and a spoon. "He'll like it don't worry" Mat tells me. That was kinda weird but OK. I walk in and hand it to him. He opens it and smiles at me. "You like peanut butter I see" I say to him. He nods and eats the p.b. I walk back into the kitchen and look at Mat. "How did you know" I ask him. "I just did OK" he says and I nodd. "Can you leave? So I can speak to Mitch" I ask Mat and he nods.

                               Mat's POV

I walk into the living room to see Rob eating P.B. I laugh at him and he looks away. "At least I remember" I tell him. "So I heard you can't talk" I ask him. He just moves over farther on the couch. "Did you miss me babe" I ask him. He gets up and runs over to the wall and sits against the wall with his hands over his ears. He starts crying and whimpering so I try to get near him but he kicks me. "Preston!" "Preston" I scream.

                             Preston's POV

I hear Mat scream my name so I run into the living room. I see rob crying and whimpering and sitting against the wall. I run over to him but he won't let me near him. "Can you guys leave for a little bit" I ask Mitch and Mat. They nodd and go outside. I walk over to him and pick him up. I sit him on my lap when I get to the couch. He starts whimpering so I rub my hands threw his hair. After a little bit he purrs and lays his head on my chest. "Your OK baby. I'm here for you. I love you" I tell him. He cuddles farther into my chest and purrs more. I caress his cheek and he purrs even more. "Good boy" I whisper at him. I get up so he wrapps his legs around my waist and his arms around my neck. I walk over and open the door and tell them they can come back in. They come back in and we go sit in the kitchen with Rob sitting on my lap. We have a conversation and Rob just listens while we talk about recordings. "You guys wanna go do a parkor map" Mitch asks and we nod. I carry Rob downstairs and sit him on the bed while I get everything set up.

                                 Rob's POV

Preston is getting stuff set up so I watch intreged as to how you do it. He sits in his chair and gets on skype. After a little bit they start the recording and I go to sit on his lap but he won't let me. "Not right now Robbie" he whispers at me. That made me feel sad so I go and sit on the couch in the living room. I get bored really quick so I decide I'll go for a walk. I put a jacket on and a pair for shoes and go outside but before I leave I grab my phone. I'be been walking for a while now and I come across a park. There is no one here so I go and swing.

                            Preston's POV

I get done recording and I look around downstairs for Rob. He is not here so I go upstairs thinking mabey he went to sit on the couch. Mitch and Mat decided they are doing another recording but I needed to check on Rob. I get to the top and look all around I can't find him. Then I notice his shoes and jacket are gone. Oh gosh he went outside alone. I grab my jacket and shoes and then I  notice his phone his gone to. I text him quickly.

P-Where are you!

R- At a park

P-the one by 30st

R- yep

P-stay there I'm coming

I get in the car and drive to the park. I see Rob on the swings swinging. I walk over to him and grab his hand and drag him to the car. "Get in" I tell him and he does what I told him to do. I drive back to Jerome's house and get out. I walk to the passengers side and get Rob out. I walk inside and then down to our room. I pull Rob into the room. "Your staying in here the rest of the night! I have told you so many times don't go wondering off on your own and you dident listen" I yell at him. He looks down and then trys to hug me but I push him away." No, your in trouble" I tell him. He starts crying so I leave and shut the door. He trys to get out but I hold the door shut. He starts whimpering and kicking the door. "Rob! Stop!" I yell at him. He stops but I can hear him whimpering and he slides down the door. I can hear him sniffling and whimpering but I ignor him. I can tell he feels bad and he is scared by the whimpering and he is crying. I leave him and go upstairs. After a while I get a text massage. "Preston I'm really sorry. I'm scared please come here." He texts me. I guess I can't torchure him so I walk downstairs and go into the room. He is sitting against the wall still crying. When he see me he get up and runs to me hugging me. "Shh its ok baby. I'm sorry for leaving you alone I know you don't like it down here" I tell him. He jumps up and wraps his legs around me holding on to me really tightly. He is still crying and he wont stop. "Shh what's wrong baby" I ask him. He points to his arm and i lift up his sleeve to see cuts running up his arm. "Oh my gosh baby. Why did you do that" I ask. I take him to the bathroom and clean up his wounds. I go out and lay him on the bed. He stopped crying but he is still whimpering a lot. "Shh your OK. I'm sorry for yelling at you" I tell him. "What's the matter" he points to my recording set. "Oh, you wanted to watch me play dident you and I dident let you" I ask. He nods and I apologize. "You wanna play it" I ask him. He nods and I sit him in the chair so he can play. I pull up one of my worlds and let him play for a while. All of a sudden he looks at me like this  =-O  "what" I ask him he looks at the screen and looks back at me. I get up and go look at what happened. "Oh a creeper blew you up" I tell him. He yawns and lays his head on my shoulder and puts his arms up wanting to be carried. I pick him up and lay down on the bed. He falls asleep pretty quickly and cuddles into my chest.
A kinda long chapter yay! Bye bye guys




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