Chapter 27

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                               Mat's POV

I decided to see my old "friend" Rob. I got a plane ticket to Texas and here I am; I'm standing in front of Preston's house. I see rob go downstairs so I run to the back of the house and see a basement window, perfect. I find the fuse box 1, 2, 3, flip. I flip the power off and go through the window. I grab Rob from behind and pin him down. "Hey Robbie" I whisper to him. He tries to get away but he is small and not so strong. I keep him pined and I smile at him. Then I notice it, a bruise on his cheek. "Who did that to you" I ask. I know I did a terrible thing to him and I feel awful. I know I'm the reason he can't talk. I run my fingers over the bruise and he let's out a small whimper. I get off of him and he just lays there with his eyes closed. I pick him up and carry him carefully up the stairs. All of the suden the lights come back on. Preston runs up to me and snatches rob right out of my hands. "Are you OK Robbie" he asks rob rocking him back and forth. Rob shakes his head no and points to me. "What did you do" he asks defensively. " I guess I scared him and stuff." " Is that true baby" Rob nods and Preston sighs. "Why are you here anyway" Preston asks me. I shrug, "I guess I wanted to come see Rob." "Did he tell you what happened to him before you found him?" Preston nods. "I'm the one who did that" I whisper looking down. I look back up to see an angry Preston. "Please leave, I don't want you around Rob" he says containing himself. I nod and leave the house. Time to head home or mabey I can find a way to get rob on my side. All I need to do is turn him against Preston.
Thank you for waiting and not getting mad at me. Bye bye guys.

The Mute Boy (Poofless)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang