Chapter 19

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                         Preston's POV

I give rob a piggy back ride to the living room. When we get there I put him down but he hides behind me. "Guys, is there anything you will like to say to Rob" I ask the three sitting on the couch. "I'm sorry Rob" they say together. I smile and walk Rob to the kitchen. "You hungry" I ask him and he nods smiling. I make him a peanut butter samwitch, he gladly takes it. He goes outside and I follow him. He looks at me pleadingly. "What is it" I ask and he points to the gate that leads to the front yard. "You wanna go for a walk to the park or something" I ask and he nods. "I guess so let's go but first finish your samwich please" I tell him and he quickly eats it. I laugh at him and we walk hand in hand to the sidewalk. "Where do you wanna go" I ask him and he shrugs. "Wanna go to the coffie shop" i ask and he nods. We walk to the coffie shop and I order for us. "What will you like sir" a boy who looks around my age asks. "Two Carmel frappes please" I tell him and he nods walking away but then he stops and looks at me. "What's the names" he asks smiling. "I'm Preston and he's Rob" I say then he finnaly leaves. After about 10 minuets he walks back and hands us are cups. Rob looks at my cup for a little bit then gives me a funny look one I haven't seen before. Then he smirks at me. "What those faces about" I ask and he points to the back of my cup. I look and see a number written under my name. I look over at the boy and he smiles at me. I look away and Rob is just smiling away. "Sush up" I tell him and he takes a sip of his drink. He quickly swollows and looks at me shocked. "Its hot" I tell him while laughing and he gives me a "really" face. "Wanna head back home" I ask him and he nods. We start are walk back home but when we start to pass a park Rob pulls me toward it. I let him and he drags me to the swings. We both take a swing and I  start to swing slowly. He just sitts there and looks at me. "What do you like the view" I ask. He nods and looks down while his face turns a light pinkish color. "Your cute when you blush" I tell him witch makes him blush more. We start are walk back home and this time make it all the way home without any distractions. We walk inside and Rob leads me to the bedroom. "Wanna watch TV" I ask and he nods. We lay down and watch TV for awhile. "I'm going to record wanna stay here or come with me" I ask him and he points at me. I turn the TV off and we walk to the recording room. I play hunger games and I let Rob play for a little bit and he was accually alright at it. I finish the recording and Rob kisses me on the cheek making me blush slightly. I chuckle at him and he smiles at me. "So you wanna play for a little bit while I go talk the the others" I ask and he nods. I leave him to play and I walk to the living room to see them watching TV. We talk for awhile about what we will be recording and stuff. After we finish I walk back to the recording room only to see Rob asleep laying his head on the key board. I pick him up and take him to our room and I lay him down on the bed. I lay down with him and he cuddles into me. I have never felt more loved then I do right now.
Aww cuteness my fav. OK I will update more later I promise. I would of updated more today but I dident wake up tell about 12:00pm sorry. Bye bye guys

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