Lets talk

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OK yes I know my books are sortta deppresing and sad. Yes I know Preston, Mat, Lachlan, Vikk all of them are nothing like this but u have to understand its fan fiction. FICTION. Its not real and another thing that's been brought to my attention is self-harming. Most for you should know by now that I self-harm. If you self harm, get help because trust me I am but its hard I know and don't let what happens in books effect what you do in real life OK. I know the way I live my life effects what happens in my books. Some people may know what I mean by that some may not. Some stuff that happens in my book has happened to me I'm not saying all of it but some of it. So if you don't like the way I have characters live or what they do then don't read it. I'm not making you read it so please don't call me out because my book shows the good and the bad side of life. Sometimes my book shows the really bad side but also I show the really good side and if you don't like that I'm sorry. Bye bye guys. 

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