Chapter 28

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                             Preston's POV

Mat left after his little surprise visit. I can't believed it was him that did those terrible things to my baby. All of the sudden I feel pain on my leg. Rob kicked me "Ow Rob" I say. Then he bites me and I put him down but hold onto his arm. He bites my hand making me let go. He runs away and hides under my work desk. I get down on all fours and try to crawl to where he is. I reach out to grab him but he claws me. "Robbie, knock this off now" I tell him. He starts to cry a little and curls up into a ball. I crawl closer and pull him out. "What's wrong baby" I ask and he pulls his phone out. "Everyone hates me and I'm a loser" he types. "No baby, they don't hate you, I promise" I tell him but he bites me and crawls back under the table. I run to the kitchen and call Mitch and Lachlan down. Jerome also comes down. "OK, you two" I say pointing to Mitch and lachlan. "Rob is in there crying his eyes out because he thinks everyone hates him and he thinks he's a loser" I say sounder sadder by the second. "Go tell Rob your sorry" I tell them and they nod. They walk away and come back in moments later. Then I notice Mitch's face is bleeding. "Well, we tried to talk to him but he clawed my face and bit Lachlan" Mitch says. "I'm so sorry I don't know what is wrong with him" I say. I leave to go get Rob. I pull him out from under the table and he claws and bites me but I won't let go. I pick him up and carry him to our bedroom. "Now will you tell me why you keep hurting people or your going to time out" I tell him but he looks away and crosses his arms. I pick him up and carry him to a corner and face him to the wall sitting down. "Stay here or I'll add time" I tell him and i go lay down on the bed. "Stay there for 20 minutes and I will let you up" I say but it doesent go as planned. After about 4 minutes he comes and tries to get in bed with me. "No, wait until your out of time out" I tell him. He frowns and looks away. I put him back in the corner. After my timer goes off he puts his arms up wanting to be picked up. "Can't you walk baby" I ask but he frowns and keeps pushing his arms toward me.  I pick him up and he cuddles into my neck. "Hey Robbie your check up appointment is tomarrow OK" I tell him and he frowns but nodds. Can't wait for tomorrow we get his results back.

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