Chapter 17

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                             Rob's POV

After a little bit Lachlan walks in. He rubbs his eyes while yawning. He goes into the kitchen and I guess gets some food. He walks back in with a bagel and some chocolate milk. He sits by me and leans against the couch. After a while Jerome and Mitch come walking in. I go in the kitchen and sit at the table to get away but they come walking in a after a while. Mitch grabs a bowl, some cereal and some milk then sits down across from me at the table. Lachlan sits to my right and Jerome to my left. I just look down and try to ignored them. "But he is always in my busniss and he always looks at my stuff" Mitch says. "Yea he is so annoying you have to tell him what to do" Lachlan says. "I dont know how Preston puts up with him he is so stupid" Jerome says. Rob finnaly put two and two together and realised they are talking about him. " why can't he just stop being a freak for more than one second" Lachlan says. "Yea he can't talk and he acts like a stupid boy" Mitch pipes in. Rob now has tears falling out of his eyes because he dident know thay hated him so much. Rob hides his face in his elbows but he can't stop crying. "Guys should we really be talking about this right now he is right there ya know" Jerome says while looking at me. "It dosent matter, its not like he can tell on us" Lachlan says laughing at me. I get up and run downstairs. I hear someone running after me but I keep running. I run into the corner of the basement and im trapped. I turn around and see Lachlan smirking at me. He grabs my arms and pushes me against the wall. "Now whats a mute freak like you going to do" I try to get free but he grips me tighter. "Ha your so weak" he says while laughing at me. I get one of my arms free and punch him on the face. He steps back a second but then looks really mad. He throws me to the ground and gets on top of me. I try to get free but I can't. He punches me in the gut three times really hard. He let's go of my arms and gets off of me. I curl into a bawl and hug my stomach. I cry and cry and cry some more. He laughs and walks away. I sit up and back up against the wall in the corner. I want Preston. I keep wiping the tears away but they keep falling. I finally stop crying and stand up. I walk up the stairs slowly and when I get to the top I see Lachlan and mitch talking. "Come sit here" Lachlan says to me pointing to a spot right in front of the couch. I just stand there then he says "now" really strictly. I still stood there but crossed my arms. He got up, grabbed my arm and pushed me down to where he pointed in front of the couch. "See, he needs to be trained" Lachlan says to mitch. Mitch nods and laughs. I sit up and lean against the couch. Lachlan starts playing my hair and I only let Preston do that. I push his hand away but he grips my hair and pulls my head back to where I'm looking at him. "Stop" he says harshly. I stop fighting back and I let him mess with my hair. I want Preston to mess with my hair not Lachlan. Jerome walks in and looks at me sincerely and frowns. "Guys stop, he is just like a kid be nice to the boy" Jerome says and pushes Lachlan away. Lachlan looks dumbfounded but listened. " go on Rob" Jerome says and motions me to leave. I get up and run to Preston's room. He is laying on the bed sleeping still. I shake him and he looks at me. I hug him and he smiles. "Wanna cuddle babe" he asks and I nod while getting under the blankets.

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