chapter 30

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                              Robs POV

Preston fixes me an omlet and I eat it so I can make him happy. I finish and put my plate in the sink. I sit back down and stare at Preston. He glances at me every once in awhile and smiles. "What" he asks. I smile and shrug. I mouth I love you and he smiles. "Thanks I love you too" he says sounding happy. I decide to go to our room but on the way there I'm pulled into Jerome and Mitch's room. I look up to see a mad looking Mitch. "What are you doing" he spits out angerly. I flinch a little but shrug. He shoves me a little. "Why are you so stupid" he yells. He gets in my face and I spit on him. He pulls me to the ground and we are rolling around with him punching me ever once in awhile. Then Jerome comes in and once he realises what's going on he pulls Mitch off of me. After he gets him off of me I curl up in a bawl and cry in a corner. Jerome trys to get near me but I won't let him. He calls Preston a few times and he comes running in. "What happened" he asks while picking me up. Jerome tells him what he saw and Mitch won't talk to him. He carries me out and rubs my back while whispering calmingly in my ear. He takes us to his room and sits on the bed with me on his lap. "Shh baby your OK, I have you now" he wispers, I sniffle a little and he let's out a small chuckle. "Wanna watch me recorded for awhile" he asks but I shake my head no and point to the bed. He lays me down and goes to I guess record. I just lay there terrified, now I wish he stayed with me. I get up to go find Prestion. I find him in his recording room talking to some girl. Then I hear her say I love you. What. Why would she say that to Preston? B..but I him. I start to cry and run out of the house. I keep running until I can't possibly run anymore. I hide in a alley way and cry myself to sleep.

                            Prestons POV

I'm talking to Mat over Skype when some girl comes into Mats room. She looks at Mat and smiles. "I love you" she says really fast. Mat just laughs and nods. She hugs him and runs away. Then I hear a door slam. "Mat I need to go ttyl bye" I hung up the call. I ran out of the room and looked all around the house. No sign of Rob anywhere. I text him multiple times but get no responce. Then I remember I put a tracking device in his phone. I can use my phone to find out where he is. I open the app and use the GPS to find him. I get in the car and go where it tells me. It leads me to a alley way. I walk into it and see Rob laying on the ground with tear stained cheeks. I run up to him and Pick him up. He wakes up and tries to get away but I won't let him. I put him in the back seat and turn on the child locks. He keeps trying to get out but its not working. He starts kicking the door but nothing happens. He eventually gives in and calms down. I get in the drivers side and start the car. I start our drive home and arrive not long after. I get out and open the back door. I pick Rob up who is now sound asleep and carry him inside. I lay him down on the bed and get in next to him. I hope he will talk tomorrow so I know what's going on...

Hey guys... how's everyone doing? I've had a ruff couple off days so I thought I could come on here and be happy but no people are mad because I have this book soo I don't know if I even want to continue it anymore... I don't even know if I should write anymore... its not like I'm that good. Sorry if I let you down... I don't think I can last much longer so I guess this is goodbye... EpicBudderQueen14 out (p.s. go to my message bored and read the first two messages if you wanna know what I mean bye bye guys)

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