Chapter 3

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                   Rob-a-dob-flob's POV

The plane just landed and were getting off now. Preston is holding my hand again. I think he thinks I'm going to get lost but I'm not sure. He walks over to this thing that has bags moving on it. He spots are bags and drags me over there. He hands me my bag and gets his. While he was turned around I seen this cool picture on the wall so I went to get a better look. I'm looking at the picture and I feel someone tap my shoulder and I turn around to see a very angry Preston. He smacked the back of my head. I gave him a confuzzled look and he just looked at me. "Don't walk away. You will loose me and then be lost" he whispered/ yelled at me. I looked down with a frown on my face. I feel bad now I'm supposed to listen to Preston. "Hey, its OK. I just don't want to loose you Robbie" he tells me. I nod then he grabs my hand and leads me out of the crowded building. He walks on to the sidewalk and flags down a taxi. The man driving put are stuff in the truck and Preston pushes me in the backseat. We drive for a little bit then the man parks outside some house. Preston gets out and motions for me to follow. I get out and the man hands me my bag and then gives Preston his bag. We walk to the door and knock. Someone with a big nose opens the door. He screams Preston's name really loud and I flinch a little but they dident notice. He welcomes Preston in and Preston grabs my hand dragging me in with him. "So Jerome we're is my bedroom" Preston asked the other boy who I guess is Jerome. "Are you two sharing" Jerome asks. Preston nods and Jerome leads us to a room downstairs. Its kinda scary down here I really dont like it. We go into a, I guess guestroom and drop are stuff in there. "So who are you" Jerome says really loud. "Oh, that's Robbie" Preston says. "Hi Robbie"Jerome says. I glared at him and he looked at me confused. "Preasston why is he looking at me like that" Jerome asked Preston. Preston looked at me and walked over and slapped the back of my head. "He only let's me call him Robbie. Call him Rob" Preston tells Jerome. I look down while they talk a little. "Why isent he talking" Jerome asked. "He's mute" Preston says. "Why is he mute" Jerome askes. "Something bad happened to him and since then he hasent spoken a word" Preston tells Jerome. Jerome leaves and goes up stairs. I run over and hug Preston. "What's wrong" he asked. "Your OK, calm down baby" he tells me. I nod and he goes to walk upstairs but I stay there. "What you don't like Jerome" he asked. I shake my head no and point to my ears. "What, he's to loud" I nodd and Preston laughs. "I will tell him to dial it down a little" he tells me. I nod and we walk upstairs. When we get to the top I hear Jerome scream the name Mitch really really loud. I run downstairs with my hands over my ears and go to the room our stuff is in.

                         Preston's POV

Rob just ran back downstairs. He doesent like all the noise I guess. "So Jerome who is all here already" Mitch asks. "Well me, you,Preston,and Preston's friend Rob" Jerome tells him. "Where is rob" Mitch asks. "He doesent like all the noise Jerome was making so he went down stairs" I tell Mitch. Jerome whispers something in Mitchs ear and he looks at me funny. "He's mute" Mitch asks. I nod and Mitch smiles "I wanna meet him" Mitch says. "OK come with me but keep the noise down" I tell him. "So where is he from" Jerome asks. I shrug my shoulders "never really talked about that" I say. They nod and we walk in the room. Rob is sitting on the bed looking at his phone. "Rob come here" I tell him. He gets up and stands by me putting his head on my shoulder. Mitch starts talking in French.

"Donnez-moi un Calvin Si vous pouvez me comprendre" Mitch says.

                                Robs pov

Mitch just said "give me a hug if you can understand me." I walk over to Mitch and give him a hug. He laughs and says "Êtes-vous canadien?" That means are you Canadian? I nod and he laughs again. Then says "moi de" witch means me to. I smile and hug him. "Jerome what's going on" Preston asks Jerome. "I have no idea" Jerome says back. "He's Canadian" Mitch says. "How do you know" Preston asks. "I asked him he nodded and he knows french" Mitch tells them. I shake my head yes and Preston smiles at me. We walk up stairs and me and Preston laid down on the couch. He starts ruffling and playing with my hair. It made me tired and I fell asleep. 
The end of chapter 3 yay! Bye guys

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