Chapter 31

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Robs POV

I wake up and just look around, I figure out I'm in Preston's room. No! How did I get here? How did he find me? I look around one more time and notice Preston is not in here. This is my chance I can run away again. I get up and go to the door. I try to open it but its locked I go to unlock it but find that the key side is on my side. Someone switched the handle around. I'm trapped in here. I start freaking out and hitting plus kicking the door. I hear someone come running. I back away from the door and someone unlocks it. Then none other than Preston walks in. I back up a little more but then hit the wall. I start to cry because I rembered the reason i ran away. Preston loves someone else. He goes to walk towards me but I claw at him. He tries again but kick him on the leg. He flinches but keeps trying. "Robby, calm down its just me" he says quietly. I shake my head no and go to claw him again but he grabs my arm. I move away from the wall and pull back away from him but he won't let go. I claw him and he bleeds but he still won't let go. I finnaly get away and I crawl under the bed. He gets down and looks at me. "Baby, please come out. Then you can tell me what's wrong" he says but I move away from the edge. He goes to come under the bed but i go out the other side and sit between the wall and bed. He gets up and walks around to me. He tries to get near me and I kick at him but he doges it. I kick at him again but he grabs my foot and pulls me. He let's go and quickly gets on top of me. He pins my arms above my head. I try to kick at him but he is sitting above me with his knees on both sides of me. I try to wiggle and squirm but he is a lot stronger than me and doesent budge. I start to cry more and he goes to let go of my hands but I try to get away again so he continues to hold my arms down. "Please tell me what's wrong" he pleads and I mouth you. "I need to know what I did so I can fix this" he says and I nod. He gets up and I get up too. He grabs my arm and leads us out of the room. "Now tell me what's wrong" he says and i start dragging him to his recording room. We get there and I take him in it. I point to the computer and mouth I love you and point to Preston. "My computer said I love you" he asks. I nod. "You mean someone I was talking to right" he asks and I nodd. "Oh you thought I loved someone else" he said and I nodded. "I think your thinking of when Mats girlfriend told him she loves him baby no one told me they love me" he says but I shake my head no and look away. "Want me to call him and you can here him say it" he asks and I nodd. He gets on Skype and goes to Mats contact and calls him. He picks up on the third ring and Preston says hi. "Hey, what's up" Mat asks. "Remember are last call when your girlfriend ran into your room and said I love you to you" Preston asks him. He nods and Preston smiles. Preston looks at me and gives me a sad smile. " see Robby it was his girlfriend talking to him" he says to me. I shake my head no and look down. "Come here" he says and I do so. He pulls me onto his lap. "Mat, Rob here thought your girlfriend was telling me she loved me and Rob thought I dident love him anymore can you mabey talk to him" Preston asks Mat. He nods and looks at me. "Hey Rob, Preston right no one told him they love him she was talking to me" he says but I shame my head no. I keep shaking my head no and I start to cry. I get up and try to run away but Preston get up faster than I can run away and grabs my arm. He pulls me to his chest and I bawl my eyes out. Now I know why everyone calls me stupid, I am. I look up at Preston and mouth I'm stupid but he frowns at me. "No baby you just made a mistake its OK just please don't run away from your problems come to me so we can work things out" he says and I nodd. I mouth I'm sorry and he smiles and says its OK. He says good bye to Mat and hangs up. I put my arms up and he picked me up. I kissed him on the lips witch he gladly returns. I pull away and lay my head on Preston's shoulder. He walks us to his room and lays me on the bed. I pull him on the bed with me and lay on top of him. "Umm Robby what ya doing silly" he asks and I cuddle into his neck. He chuckles a little but doesent move. I kiss his neck and he sighs. I start to suck a little and he let's out a quit moan. "Ro-" he goes to say my name but I bite down making him bleed. "Ow, Robby" he says using his hand to feel his neck. "You made me bleed little fudger" he says but I start kiss his sweat spot making him moan out. I continue to kiss his sweat spot until he pulls me off of him. I whimper a little but he gets on top of me and kisses me. "Shh, baby" he says in between kisses. Then he just stops and lays by me. I whimper but he ignores me. I kick him and he turns to me and kisses my lips. " stop, if I start I won't stop and I know your not ready" he says but I kiss him again. He pushes me away from him and I start to cry. I knew it he doesent love me. I start to cry and I look away. "Robby, baby, I'm sorry" he says but it hurts down there and I want him to fix me. I mouth it hurts and he looks at me confused. "What hurts baby" he asks. I point to the bump in my pants. I mouth fix it and he looks at me shocked. "Is that because of me" he asks and i shrug. "Are you OK if I touch you" he asks and I nod. He closes the door and gets on top of me. He kisses me and pulls my shirt off. He starts kissing down my jaw to my chest then to my stomach and to the edge of my pants. He looks at me and I just sit there. Looking at him. "Are you OK with this" he asks. Oh that's why he looked at me. I've never done this like this before Mat dident ask. I nodded and he unziped and unbuttoned my pants pulling them off. He rubbed me over my boxers and I sighed. He looked at me one last time before taking my boxers off. I got really shy and I sat up pushing Preston off of me and brought my knees to my chest. " hey its OK" he says while getting me to lie back down. He puts his hand on my thing and start rubbing it. He goes faster and fast and a little harder. It feels really good but when Mat did this stuff to me I made these weird noises but I can't make any now. He finnaly stopped and dressed me. "We won't go any farther baby" he says and I noded. I mouth thank you and he smiles. "Shh go to sleep now baby" he says and I slowly drift off to sleep.

Nice long chapter out... I know I said I wouldent update but what better do I have to do at 1 in the mourning on a school night... bye bye guys

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