Lets talk

998 27 21

OK so I really need some help. I feel like im at my breaking point. Idk what to do anymore, my anxiety is getting worst, the voices just won't stop but I know I can't excape them. There seems to be only one way out but I don't think I can do that to you guys. I love you guys so much but it just hurts so much. You guys have been here through every thing and I can't just leave you but I don't know what else to do. Its just so hard to stay strong. Every time I put on that smile, be tough and be strong when I'm not its just breaking me down more and more on the inside. Theres not much left to break down before I shatter. I don't know how much longer I can live like this. The people that are supposed to care about you the most treat me like I'm trash. They only care when they get something out if it. I just can't live this way and idk what to do anymore guys.

The Mute Boy (Poofless)Where stories live. Discover now