Chapter 33

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                          Preston's POV

I hear a whimper and I sit up. I see Rob hugging his knees and crying. I grab him and pull him onto my lap and rock him back and forth. "What's wrong" I ask him and he pulls out my phone and types on it. The he shows me. Why does people not like me and think I'm stupid. He asks. I look down and shrug. "I don't know baby, I'm really sorry" I tell him and he burrys his head into my chest. "Shhh, its OK" I wisper over and over while running my hand through his hair. He wraps his arms around my neck and cuddles into me more. I look over at the clock to see it reads 4:38am. I yawn and he wimpers a little. I get up with him wrapped around me and walk out of the room. I go to the kitchen and poor me a glass of milk. "Do you want anything" I ask him but he shakes his head no. I sigh and walk out of the room. I sit on the couch and I watch as Rob slowly falls asleep. I kissed him on the forehead and carried him to our room. I layed him down and went to walk away but he won't let go of me. I look at him to see he is wide awake and pulling on my arm. "I need to go do some stuff on the computer" I tell him but he won't let go. I pick him up and take him with me. I go and sit on the computer and he jumps off. He climbs under my desk and rolls up in a ball. I just mess with him with my feet a little while I finish some stuff on the computer. I get done about an hour and a half later. Robs just playing with my toes and poking me a little. I move my foot a little but then he does something I wasent expecting he bites my foot. "Ow, Robbie why did you do that" I ask but he just looks away. "Robbie come here" I tell him quietly and he crawls out and onto my lap. He lays his head on my chest and cuddles into me. I lean down and give him a kiss on the lips. He returns it but pulls away quickly after. He lays his head back on my chest and closes his eyes. "I love you baby" I wisper to him and he nods. "Wanna go lie down in our bed" I ask him and he nods. I stand up and he jumps down. He grabs my hand and walks in front of me. He leads me to our bed and I pick him up and lay him down on me. "Try and get some sleep baby" I whisper and he nods. I stay awake until I'm positive he fell asleep and then I let sleep devoure me.

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