chapter 29

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                           Preston's POV

                              (Next day)

For once I wake up before my Robbie. I look over at the clock 12:09 pm it reads. Oh crap! Robs appointment is at 1:25. I shake rob but he wimpers and cuddles into me more. I get up and pick him up too. "Let's get ready, your appointment is in a little over an hour." I help rob get ready to shower and while he is showering I pick out our clothes. Rob gets out with a towel around his waist and one around his body. I chuckle and he blushes. "Your so silly sometimes" I say walking into the bathroom. I get out and when I see rob I chuckle. He is wearing my shirt, his pants and my shoes. "What's wrong with your clothes" I ask and he shrugs. "My shirt is kinda big on you and so are my shoes" I say and he smiles while nodding. I go and grab a different pair of shoes and a different shirt and we are ready. I get Rob into the car and myself and we start our drive to the doctors. We get there and I park the car. I get out and go to Rob's side and open his door but he just sits there. "Come on Rob, out" I tell him and he finnaly gets out. We walk to the door and enter. I sign Rob in and wait for his name to be called. After about 5 minutes Rob's name is called. We walk back and the nurse does the regular check-up and tells us the doc will be in in a little bit. We wait for awhile then the doc walks in. "Preston may I speak with you outside" he asks and I nod. We walk out of the room and he closes the door. "We have the results back. It looks like Rob has a brain condition that causes him to, well how do I put this. He will act more like a kid at times than an adult. Have you ever noticed this?" I nod and he smiles. "Its nothing to serious all he needs is some supervision and he will be fine, alright." I nodd " what is it that causes this to happen" I ask. "Its unknown but some say they believe that a traumatic event may trigger this disease." I nod and walk back in the room with the doctor. "OK Rob it looks like you need to be put on vitamins so we will perscribe them, that's all for today goodbye." We walk out and sign out. We go to the car and hop in. "Wanna go out to eat or home" I ask Rob. He shrugs and looks out the window. " alrighty home it is" I say. We arrive home and I carry Rob inside. I go to put him down on the couch but he wouldent let go of me. "Robbie, let go please" I tell him but he refused. I pry him off me and sit him on the couch. "Stay here while I go make some food" I tell him and he nods. I go and make omlets. I walk back into the living room and see Rob sitting on the couch. Lachlan is sitting by him talking to him. Then I see Rob get up and push Lachlan off the couch. Lachlan stands up looking mad and Rob runs and hides behind me. "What happened" I ask looking at Lachlan. "I asked him if he wanted to hang out with me later and he pushed me off the couch" Lachlan tells me. "Robbie why did you do that. He was being nice to you and you treat him like that, go to our room. Now" I tell him but he franticly shakes his head no. "Yes go now" I say raising my voice a little. He pushes me and runs away. He runs and hides under my work desk again. I go over to my desk and squat down. "I'm giving you one warning. Get out now Rob" I tell him but he shakes his head no and backs up as far as he can. I crawl under there and pull him out. He starts clawing me and kicking but I manage to get a hold on him. I pick him up and carry him to our room. "Now either appoligise to Lachlan or be put in time out" I tell him. He mouths sorry and I smile. "I said Lachlan silly" I tell him and he nods. I take him to Lachlan and he mouths sorry. Lachlan smiles and walks away. "Now let's eat."

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