Chapter 30:His Highness(7).

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General Nathaniel was in his office reading some documents while enjoying a glass of wine when he noticed in the corner of his eye a crow looking at him.

He made eye contact with the crow and noticed the envelope tied to it so he stood up, walked to the window and opened it.

The crow flied into the room and sat on his shoulder. Nathaniel took the envelope from the bird and opened it.

He took the letter first and unfolded the paper seeing a beautiful writing.

"Sir Nathaniel,
You may wonder who sent this and more importantly why. I can't tell you my identity for now, buy I can assure you that we share the same goal. If you wish to trust this anonymous help I'll be happy."

Nathaniel placed the letter on his desk and then took the other papers out, unfolding them.

❝This is... ❞ he whispered looking over the documents. ❝Share the same goal, huh? I see.❞ Nathaniel said and smiled.

He sat at the desk and wrote a reply for Zhia Xiang. He tied the letter to the crow and instructed it to go back to its owner.

Nathaniel analyzed the strategy and plans all night.


Zhia Xiang woke up and noticed the letter on the nightstand. She took it and carefully opened it.

"Lady anonymous,

I'm grateful for what you've sent me and I assure you I will make good use of it.

If you're wondering how I knew you're a woman it's because my instinct. And the fact that I've smelt flowery perfume on the paper."

❝He's really good.❞Zhia Xiang said burning the letter.

She washed, changes and went to have breakfast with Felix as usual.

❝Are you prepared for today? ❞Felix asked looking at Zhia Xiang.

❝Of course. ❞ she said smiling.

❝That man was again here, I've been told. Why don't you kill him? ❞Felix asked.

❝His sister needs him. Besides, he's just annoying, not a threat. ❞Zhia Xiang said eating breakfast.

❝I see. ❞Felix said and the rest of the breakfast was silent.

Later, Duke Averstein's party began. Zhia Xiang changed in her assassin clothes and sneaked it to steal the documents. As she knew, the four men that Felix hates were having a meeting in a secret room in the Duke's residence.

When a maid entered to pour tea for the men, Zhia Xiang stole the documents from the drawer and left like she's never been there.

Later that day,Duke Averstein noticed the documents missing and he went crazy. He put servants search every corner for them, but unsuccessful.

His anger turned to the other three men who were the only ones who knew about the documents he possessed and an argument broke out.

Averstein began to threaten the other three.

❝Give them back or else this will end badly! One of you stole them, you greedy bastards! ❞Duke Averstein shouted pointing to the three men in front of him.

❝Mind your words, Duke! ❞Viscount Duelle shouted, offended by Duke's words.

❝Mind my words? Give the documents back, I was the one to get them!❞Duke Averstein continued to argue.

The three men left angry leaving Duke Averstein red as a tomato.

❝Those bastards! They want to keep all the money from selling the documents! ❞Duke Averstein said and threw a cup, breaking it in pieces.

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