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Donghyuck slowly opened an eye, peaking at the situation before opening the other as he turned his head back.

The lump in his throat disappeared as he took in deep breaths, almost forgetting to breathe previously.

Han Soo's body was sprawled onto the floor, blood spreading out on his chest whereas Jisung had stumbled back, resting his weight on the wall.

"You boys okay?"
The man who shot Han Soo kept his gun back into his jacket, going next to Jisung to place a hand on his shoulder in an attempt to soothe the shaken up boy.

"Why are you back?"
Donghyuck avoided eye contact with his dad.

"I wanted my son to hear me out and um," he paused to gesture towards the dead body, "I think I deserve a little bit of your time now."


"Okay then." A small smile appeared on his dad's face. "I'll wait for you in the living room."

Once his dad left, Jisung let out a deep breath, hand on his chest to calm his heart.
"Oh my god I almost died."

Donghyuck sighed, placing himself next to Jisung as the two sat on the ground, their bodies physically giving up on them after the sudden predicament. "Sorry I couldn't help."

"It's okay, I don't think there was anything you could've done at that moment," he chuckled, wanting to make Donghyuck feel less guilty, and mostly to lift up his own mood.

"Come on, let's not stay here."
He stood up and held a hand out to Jisung, noticing the boy's gaze constantly flickering towards Han Soo's bloody body.

"I'll get someone to clean it up. Try not to think about it too much."


Hyewon got out of the car right after Mr Kim pulled over in front of Donghyuck's gates.
She received a text from Jisung confirming that Han Soo showed up a few minutes ago.

Donghyuck's guards exchanged confused looks when a few other police cars followed behind, turning their siren and lights off after parking to not make a commotion.

"Ma'am what's going on?"
One of the guards stopped Hyewon.

"You really need to up your security around here," she scowled as she stood in front of him, upset that Han Soo got in without them knowing. "Move out of my way."

"Just let them through."

Both of them turned to look at the source of the voice.
"Oh, yes sir," the guard said before going back to his position.

She had never seen the man before, eyeing him as he walked up to her.
"Ms Jang right?"

"Uh yea." She stepped to the side, allowing Taeyong and the rest to pass through first.
"Do I know you?"

"Well not really. The last time I saw you was years back."

"You've seen me before?"

"I had business with your parents. You guys do provide the best weapons after all."

She nodded her head, averting her gaze to Mr Kim who was jogging up to her.

"Ms Jang."
He quickly caught his breath before speaking again. "Han Soo's dead."


"Ah." The man started, gaining Hyewon's attention again. "I had to shoot him before he could kill the boy."

"What? Which boy?" she asked, her voice laced with worry.
He raised his hand beside his head, palm facing down. "The tall one."

She turned to Mr Kim. "So are the two of them alright?"

𝚏𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 𝚘𝚛 𝚏𝚕𝚒𝚐𝚑𝚝 ; 𝚑𝚊𝚎𝚌𝚑𝚊𝚗Where stories live. Discover now