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"Is Donghyuck not here yet?" Hyewon asked when she saw Jaemin standing alone at the lockers when they were usually always together.

"Nah he said he had something to do in the morning."

She nodded, watching as Jaemin pulled out books for their first period from his locker. "Are you going to class?"

He tilted his head at her question, nervously laughing. "Well where else am I supposed to go?"

"Do you want to go to class though?"

Jaemin thought about it for a while before stuffing his books back into his locker. "Eh class can wait."

"I have snacks in my bag! Let's go eat at the rooftop," Hyewon beamed, happy that they get to escape the classroom for a while.
She hooked her arm with his, pulling him towards the stairs.

"I swear we're going to get in trouble."
"Shut up we're not."


"I finally found you guys," Jisung huffed when he opened the door to the roof, making them turn their heads.

"Hello Jisungie~" Jaemin cooed.

"Did you guys eat without me?" he pouted, noticing the empty wrappers and bags.

"We saved some for you." Hyewon tossed a bag of chips over to the younger boy, who smiled in satisfaction as he tore it and popped a chip into his mouth.

Jisung took a seat beside Jaemin who scooted over to give him a little more space. "Where's Haechan hyung?"

"Oh yea he should be here by now."
"Nah he's probably chilling at home."

Jaemin pointed at her, agreeing with her statement as she discarded the rest of their garbage. "That sounds more accurate."

"We should head back to class before we get detention," Hyewon suggested, taking one last look of the view they had.

You could see the outside of the school from where they were- perfect place to see who goes in and out of the compound, and that's when she saw it.

The numbers 537 written on the wall outside with what seemed like fresh blood, and their killer, standing right next to it.

Their discipline teacher

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Their discipline teacher.
That's who the victim was, though it didn't come as a shock- she had a bad habit of pissing people off.

Many students came out of their class to crowd around the scene, different opinions being passed around.

"So who's going to replace that bitch?"
"Shut up! Now you sound like the psychopath!"
"Dang, what a bummer."
"She was actually kinda cool, I think."

"Taeyong!" Hyewon called out, jogging over to him. "Ah Hyewon, did you manage to see the killer?"

"Yea, he was around your height, uhh he was wearing a leather jacket, a black cap and that limited edition Nike shoes," she stated while Taeyong quickly took it down on his notepad.

"Sharp eye, thanks Hyewon," he smiled at her, "I'm sorry you guys had to lose a teacher."

"Eh no one really liked her anyway," Jisung said, receiving a punch in the arm from Hyewon. "You say stuff like that and they'll take you into custody."

She turned back to Taeyong.
"Let me know if you guys find-"
Hyewon stopped mid-sentence, fixating her gaze on the person who just walked through the gates, getting the attention of the others who followed her actions.

He was just like how she described the killer, and to top it all off, the white shirt he was wearing under the jacket had obvious blood stains on it.

"Um is there something on my face or..."

"Ah shit." Jaemin shook his head, realizing what the cops had to do after seeing how he matched all of Hyewon's statements.

Taeyong sighed, giving an apologetic look to the three teens before pulling out his handcuffs.

"Lee Haechan you're under arrest as a suspect for the 537 murders, you have the rights to remain silent."


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