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Really, I no longer have any idea about what I am writing at this moment, I wrote this chapter late night.

So hope you enjoy it


So say goodbye bastard "Gary spoke with a evil smirk.


Next moment a loud thump was heard as the lifeless body fell into the ground.

Three more shots were heard.

Nicholas stood frozen with wide eyes, he watched Gary fell onto ground, soon followed by other three.

All shot on head.

It was him.

It wasn't him who shot them.

He quickly turned around, his eyes widen in shock.

There stood the great Mafia King in all his glory.

"Victor, Victor blackthorn" Nicholas whispered, he was still in shock.

He surely didn't expected Mafia King Victor blackthorn to make an appearance.

It wasn't in their plan.

What is he doing here?

Most importantly how?

He watched Victor's men entering the basement. He wouldn't lie if he say that Victor intimidated him, Victor had a deadly look on his face that could kill anyone.

"Where is my sister?" Victor asked in the deadliest tone.

"Lucifer, she's with Lucifer" he spoke calming his nerve.

He now understood, where Eva got the deadliest look from.

Victor looked ready to explode any moment.

"Diego, join now" Victor spoke through his microphone, before locking eyes with Nicholas.

No words were spoken between two, but their eyes spoke everything, They silently formed a deal.

"Nicholas, Nicholas Grey" Nicholas spoke in a firm tone.

They are moving through the narrow tunnel under the damn mansion, who know that this spooky mansion have such hideout.

They are moving through the narrow tunnel under the damn mansion, who know that this spooky mansion have such hideout

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In a minute, a guy covered with blood joined them, he looked like a complete manic. From the similarity on their looks, Nicholas could tell that the man is a Blackthorn, Eva's brother.

She have one hell of a brothers.

They don't know where this damned tunnel lead them to.

But they are ready to face it.

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