Chapter Two

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Lucy's POV:

        I wake up to find strong, masculine arms wrapped around me. I turn to find none other than Natsu laying next to me still asleep. I also find that I am curled up against him, and that it is quite warm right here. I tenatively pick up the blanket and find that the air inside the room is freezing! It makes me glad that I've been sleeping next to a fire dragon slayer. I curl up closer to him and since it is in fact a Saturday, and we went on a mission yesterday I drift back to sleep.

        When I wake up again I find that Natsu is still asleep, and still has his arms around me, and after looking at my clock and seeing that it is already eleven I decide to get up with or without something warm. I leap to my feet after gently moving his arm and head towards the kitchen. I get out the eggs and bacon, along with some fruit to make a smoothie with. Fifteen minutes later you can both hear and smell the bacon as it's cooking and the smoothies are already on the table. I got out a fish for happy as well, I cooked it a pan and it is now sitting on the table waiting to be eaten. I walk over to Happy, who is sleeping on one of the pillows and gently shake him awake. "I made you fish..." I whisper in his ear and he immediately leaps up and flies towards the kitchen.

        "Natsu!! It's time to get up!!" I call towards the bedroom.

        "Five More minutes..." I hear him mutter.

        "There's food!!" I call. Within a few minutes he is sitting at the table with a fork and knife in his hand waiting for me to feed him. I lay the plates piled with bacon and eggs, and as soon as he sees it he starts piling it onto his plate. After all the time I have spent with them I have found that I need to always have a lot of food prepared or else there will be none for me.

        "Thank You Lushee!!" Happy mumbles, his mouth is stuffed with fish.

        "Yes, thank you for this beautiful meal that we will cherish as long as it is in front of us!!" Natsu exclaims before stuffing his mouth as well. When they have finished they go to jump out the window, and I wave to them as they go.

Natsu's POV:

        "That was real good!!" I exclaim to Happy.

        "Aye! It's a shame that we missed it the other day..." He murmurs sadly.

        "Cheer Up! We can have breakfast there again tomorrow, one day without fine cooking never hurt us!" I smile at him, and then he smiles back.

        "Aye!" He cheers as we hurry towards the guild.

        When Lucy curled up closer to me this morning I wondered why she did it, normally as soon as she wales up she gets up and makes breakfast. I think that she might have thought that I put my arm around her in my sleep, but the truth is that I did it as soon as I woke up and found that she was still asleep. I'd noticed that she had been shivering in her sleep, and then I realized just how cold it must be, so I wrapped my arms around her and within a few moment she had stopped. I fell back to sleep with the knowledge that she would be just fine, and a smile upon my face. I don't know why it mattered so much that she was warm, I don't even know why I blushed last night when she told me to scoot over. Could it be?? Am I falling for her... Nah, probably just the fact that she didn't kick me out of her apartment.

Lucy's POV:

        I work on my story some more knowing that when I do in fact leave Levy will want to be able to read it. Even if I do end up upsetting everyone else I want to at least have one thing done, one promise kept while all the rest are destroyed. I spend several hours working on it, so by the time I head down to he guild it is already three in the afternoon. I am wearing a purple blouse, with white leggings, and a black skirt.

        When I reach the guild I go and sit down next to Natsu and Erza. They are talking about some mission that she wants him to go one with her. When I sit down they both look over at me with smiles on their faces. "You should come as well Lucy." She say with a smile. I love this side of Ersa, the one that is somewhat carefree, but guarded. She kind of reminds me of myself, I am carefree and I have to keep most of the details of my life a secret.

        "I would, but we went on one yesterday." I anwer.

        "Ya, we went on one yesterday and now we just want to relax for a bit!" Natsu adds putting his arm over my shoulders.

        "Oh... I see." She says a sly grin crossing her face. "Maybe in a few weeks then?" She asks.

        "Sure." I answer smiling at her as she gets up and heads towards Wendy. "Want to go to the park for a little bit? Just walk around?" I ask turning towards him.

        "Sure!" He answers.

        The next week goes by much the same, with me going to bed to find Natsu already there, and waking up in his arms... Or with him in my arms. We start spending more time with each other, and whenever I look Erza is just grinning at us. I also start staying in my bed longer, it is So warm!! I never thought that it could be this warm, but I wasn't cuddling with Natsu before. I know that I should still quit, but I don't think I can bring myself to do it.

        Tonight when I get into my bed I see that he is still awake, and even though I know that he is I just go and lay next to him as usual. He sits up a little when I am laying down and leans over me. "I love you." He whispers after placing a kiss upon my cheek.

        "I love you too." I whisper back kissing him on the lips. After a few seconds I'm about to kiss him back, when he craddles the back of my head and deepens the kiss. We lay back on the pillows and I am sucked into a pleasant bliss.


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