Chapter 26

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Lucy's POV:

I sit at a table that I set up in the clearing in the middle of the woods near a pond, waiting for Jellal. I start getting bored after a while and am about to reach into my bag and pull out a book when I feel the bite of metal against my neck. I wait patiently as he removes the blade from my neck and I turn towards him. "Please, do take a seat." I smile, making a cloth appear so I can wipe the small trickle of blood from my neck.

"What did you want to talk to me about?" He asks as he takes his seat, looking very impatient as he does so.

"Oh, but your the one with all the questions, I can't tell you what you want if you don't ask." I smile before waving my hand and making it so that a steak with mashed potatoes rest on plates in front of us. He glances down at the food in front of him and then back up at me looking confused. "Don't worry, I didn't do anything to the food, go ahead and eat it." I smile before taking a bite of my own food.

"How did you come to meet the dragons?" He asks before starting to eat.

"That is a long story, and if you want me to tell you it, I would have to go all the way back to when I was a baby." I reply.

"Why when you were a baby? How do you know Natsu's father? When did you stop living with your father? Where did you learn all your magic?" He asks. I feel like I am being bombarded with questions, I hadn't realized that he would want to know everything.

"How about I just tell you the whole story?" I ask. He nods seeming to like this idea, and so that's exactly what I do. I tell him about my mother dying when I was three, and my opening a portal to the dragon realm. I tell him about my training as a dragon slayer and all the friends that I made while with them. I tell him about becoming dragon queen and the point where I went out into the world on my own. I tell him everything about me being a dragon slayer and dragon queen other than of course the abuse my father put me through. I then get to the point where I tell him about my becoming a dragon recently and by the time I am done he is staring at me speechlessly. "You're a dragon?" He asks.

"Out of all that, that's all you can think of?" I ask with a laugh. "Yes, I am a dragon." I answer smiling at him.

"Why are you telling me all this?" He asks looking confused.

"Because, no matter what you might think of me, you are still my friend. I also thought that I might be able to do something for you in return for all the things that you have done for us." I smile.

"What do you mean?" He asks looking confused.

"I know that you care about Erza, and with that I also know that all the things you do in your guild are dangerous. I want to be able to help you if things get too dangerous, if you ever need help... just call me." I smile before handing him a diamond and gold key.

"What's this?" He asks.

"This is my key." I answer with a smile. "You can summon me with it if you are ever in trouble." I add.

"Your key?? Like the celestial keys that you carry around?" He asks looking at the key uncertainly.

"Yes, it's like my keys, only this one is a lot more powerful, and it won't use any of your magic to summon me." I smile. "No more questions about this, you just need to understand that it is a way of getting help should you ever need it." I add.

"Thank you." He replies. I can tell that he really wants to ask me more about it, but thankfully he doesn't ask any more questions. He just continues staring at it as if it holds all the mysteries in the world.

After everything that I have told him he believes that I am in fact Lucy, and we spend the rest of the evening talking. It would seem that he is going to have to go back to his guild soon to get back to.... well fighting crime. He asks me a lot about Erza, and by the time that I get up to leave he seems to have enjoyed my company as much as I enjoyed his.

When I get back to Natsu's house he is sitting talking outside with Igneel, while Happy seems bored. "Lushee!!!!" He exclaims happily flying towards me as soon as he sees me. Natsu and Igneel then stop talking and look over towards me.

"Where have you been all day?" Igneel demands.

"I was talking with Erza and Jellal." I answer with a shrug walking the rest of the way towards them, Happy rest on my head.

"All day?" Igneel asks.

"It was a long conversation." I answer.

"And have you eaten anything today?" He asks, Natsu looks at me curiously, probably wondering why Igneel's asking.

"Of course I did, I just had dinner." I answer with a smile. "You guys want anything?" I add as we walk towards the house. I walk towards the kitchen already knowing that Natsu will be hungry, he's always hungry and open the fridge. I then set to work making some omelettes, while Natsu and Igneel sit at the table table, talking. When I have finished they start eating while I make myself a smoothie, at least making it look like I'm hungry. I then decide that I am going to go to bed, feeling that it has been a very long day, and almost as soon as I hit the pillows I am asleep.

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