Chapter 4

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Y/N's Pov:
I opened the door and froze at my spot when i saw the person who hadn't shown his presence in past 8 years.
He stood there with a suitcase in his hand and smiling widely at me.


Hey Y/N, long time no see. Let me in i want to tell you something very important." He said.


"Oh, u-umm yeah please come in. But Dad where is mom? Why isn't she with you here?"
I was quite surprised when he suddenly came here. He never showed himself like this ever before. Well, he never showed himself in past 8 years! Duh!.


"Y/N, come sit here I don't have time right now. Your mom is in hospital because of her cancer. She is in last stage and now she wants to meet  you. So i decided to come here all alone and talk to you about her situation.  And i hope you will respect to your mom and my decision" He acted as he was worried but I know how good actor my dad is.


"W-What! Dad, Mom is in hospital and No one dare to tell me this!?? Oh my god i want to meet her right now!" I was very shocked after hearing that my mom is in last stage of cancer. Like okay! My parents doesn't care about me but in the end they are my parents! after all!.

"Y/N listen my child, pack your bags I came here to take you with me to america. You only have half an hour for packing."
I almost ran to my room to pack all the necessary stuff. I didn't noticed that i also packed the dress which was sent by stranger today.  After that i was all ready to go.
Me and my dad went out of the apartment building for taxi. When i came out, i saw two black luxury cars were standing there.
"Y/N, we don't need any taxis these cars belongs to my men so don't need to worry about. Go and sit. I'll be in the next car."
He said and i was already having bad vibes because why we need 2 cars to reach at airport? Well, i was pretty confused but i didn't have time to think about this all so i went to the car and sat.

After about 15 minutes we reached. I couldn't see anything outside from the window of the car because the windows were all black. Someone opened the door for me and i step outside. I was confused as well as shocked. Because the place i were supposed to be in next 20 minutes was not this place. Suddenly two big bodies grab my hands tightly and Dragged me in the mansion.
I screamed because this was the scene I've never expected in my life. After we entered in the mansion i saw a man standing with his back facing me.

"Welcome Darling! It's nice to see you here finally!" He turned and smiled to me.
HOLY SHIT! What the fuck is going on with me!? Am i having a nightmare or what!?


" S-S-Sir!!? What is happening with me why these men dragged me here? I was supposed to be at airport at this time. Please let me go!" I couldn't believe on fucking eyes! Why my Ex boss wants me here at this hour all of a sudden and like this!?

"Calm down my darling calm down! You aren't supposed to go at airport. Your destination is here instead of going with your dad to america" he mischievously said and ordered his men to take out my luggage.
"What do you mean!? My mom is in hospital and she needs me!." I almost shouted at him because i was hella confused. I was still wondering if this could be a nightmare.
" Have a seat." He pointed at the sofa infront of his own.

" Please explain me sir what is happening!?"
I said while sitting on a luxurious sofa.
" I said you in this morning that if you didn't wear the dress i had sent you and if you didn't delete your vlog, you will see the worst side of me! So in that case darling, i bought you from your dad. Or you can say that your dad sold his own daughter to me." He explain while laughing and i was about to cry. I couldn't believe at my ears. So he was the one who sent the letter along with a dress and D-did my dad sold his own daughter to someone like him!? No i must be having a nightmare, this couldn't be true! I was shocked, i was speechless, i was about to faint.

"Darling, make yourself home because you are my property now. And don't try to escape from here because i have an eye on your every step and now get ready for sleep. We'll talk about the matter tomorrow. Okay?" He came closer and caressed my cheeks. I slapped his hand and he smiled and went to his bedroom i guess.
I was still in the position to process the whole situation. What is happening with me!? Why did my dad sold me to my own company boss!? And all of above! My own dad sold me for his business!


A lady came from a behind and drag me with her to a room. I asked her for help. " Sorry mam I'm not allowed to say a word to you kindly shut your mouth and let me do my job!" She rudely responded and i stayed quite. Tears roll down my eyes as i was recalling the situation which is just happened.


She checked my luggage and me and give me a night dress for sleep. I refused to take but then she forced me to wear.
I was feeling very uncomfortable in this situation. After a while, The lady brought me upstairs and then in front of a white big door. I was looking around this floor. This mansion was surely designed by the architecture who designed queen Elizabeth's palace. I've never seen such place like this before in my life.
While i was having my own imagination, suddenly the white door burst open and Mr. Jang Dae Hee, i mean my ex boss showed up. A wide smirk spread on his rotten face.
" What a jerk" i mumbled and thank God he didn't listen. The next thing i knew was that he grabbed me in his room with him and close the door shut.


I started panicking. I had no idea that i was about to sleep with him. I forced him to let me go. I shouted, i screamed, i cried but all he did was Thrown me on the bed. "P-please let me go! I promise I'll delete the vlog rightnow. A-and I will wear the dress you want me but just please let me go i beg you!" I begged him in the middle of crying. "Awww, my darling you are scared of me huh? Don't worry I'm not gonna do anything at first night of us. All i want is to mark you tonight so let me do."


He grabbed my hands and hovered over me. He was kissing my neck like a wild animal who is craving for food. I shouted and screamed but it was no use. I started having a anxiety attack and having breath issues.
"P-p-lea-se st-op!" I managed to say these two words and then i started to faint. It was too much for me. The last words i heard was " Darling you are mine now. One of the best taste I've ever had".

I wouldn't expected that just because of my vlog I could face this worst nightmare.
I wish this could be my nightmare instead of the beginning of my worst life.


Taehyung's POV:

I Was having a time with my favourite fruit when jimin knocked on the door.
"Tch! What the fuck you want!? Didn't you aware of the this time!? You know I'm having a quality time with lina at this time!" I was so pissed off. These jerks always knock on the door when I'm having a quality time with lina.

"I'm sorry taehyung but you need to see this. The chip we lost is now moving to Dae Hee's place i guess. I think someone is being dragged to his mansion. We have to locate the chip so that we can get the address of that bastard and give him a taste of death!"

(No one knows in korea that where Jang Dae Hee lives. He was one of the biggest gangster in Korea as well as rival of bangtan gang. Taehyung always had a wish to kill him so that he could get a title of the biggest gangster of korea.)


"Aaah, jimin-shi! What about me huh? Can't you see I'm having some tastes rightnow! Go I'll be there in a minute". Jimin always ruined my moments like this. I excuse to Lina, my favourite fruit nowadays and went downstairs for checking up the situation.
When i saw that the chip is now stopped at a specific place, a smirk spread on my face.
"Oooo, now let's wait how long this chip stay here. We will be having a party soon jimin"

Author's Note:
Hello pretties!💜
I hope you liked this chapter.
Don't forget to vote ;)
I love you all for reading my first ever fiction.
Thankyou so much for all the love.
I'll try my best to return your love through this fictions hehe💜

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