chapter 21

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I placed my fingers on the door knob and was about to open when my phone rings.
I paused. I pull out the phone from my pocket and saw a caller ID.
"Bro! Hyung came back!" I jumped in excitement. But there was no response from the other side. I frowned.
Again no response.
"Jungkook are you there?"
And then he spoke. But the words he spilled got me stuck in my tracks.
"Y/N's mother is dead"

My jaws dropped and I paused.
"I'll call you later." I replied.
Her mother died. She already facing so much shit because of me and now another bomb on her. I tensed up thinking about her reaction which she'll give after hearing this news.
"Wait... Why do I care?" I say to myself.
I opened the door and there he was. Laying on the bed, eyes closed.
Hoseok hyung.
More like a brother to me.
I moved my steps forward to his direction slowly as if I want to process this. I never thought he'll be in this situation because of me.
A tear slipped down my face.
I stopped near his bed.
"Hyung"? Can you listen to me?"
He didn't respond. But before I got disappointed, I notice his fingers moved. A little movement of his fingers lighten up my face.
"He is recovering now. He can listen and move his fingers a little bit." I feel a hands tapped on my shoulder and I looked back to see yoongi hyung standing behind me and smiling. A smile full of hope and positivity. I returned his smile.
"Now I'll give you both some time and I'm going to sleep. I didn't get sleep for last 2 days" he said while yawning.
I nodded.
I saw namjoon hyung smiling to himself and his dimples popping on his cheeks. Tears in his eyes which he was trying so hard to control.
I know him well. And he knows me well too.

He's the only person who never, never shared his emotions with us. Never told us what's bothering him or what he's thinking. Never express what he's feeling.
I smiled.....

I still remember that day......


It was winter evening when I was in the park crying my eyes out under the shadow of the tree, wearing over sized hoodie and blue jeans. My hair was all messed up, I was covered in dried blood which was all over my outfit and my hands and I was holding the dead flower which had a dried blood stain on its petals, which hold a lot of memories in it.
I ran off from my house, from my dad and from my brother.
It was so cold that day. So cold that I was shivering but tears were continuously running down from my eyes. I didn't bothered to wipe them off. Because I don't care anymore. They both were worst. Not even a human and not even an animal. They were something beyond that I'd expected. I was 17 but my mind was so mature at that point where I witnessed something which can blows up not only mine but anyone's mind.

I was being tortured. Every single day.
I was being abused. Every single day.
I was being locked in the room for weeks.
I was being that kid whom people give a damn.
Because My mom was dying on the floor covered in blood right in front of my 17 years old eyes and I was crying, screaming and yelling at my father for doing this to my mother.
He wanted her to have sexual relationship with his business partner so that his business can grow. But when she refuses, he used to tortured her, he used to abused her. And when he saw that nothing is going to make her agree,
He killed her.
It was all I witnessed alone.
And my brother, kim Dae Hee, who was elder than me, was my father's right hand. Or you can say his slave.
All he wanted was money. He never liked our mother. He always says that she was nothing to her. I never know the reason behind his hate for mother.

Suddenly, Father pointed his gun to my mother's head, she was neither crying nor showing any emotions. I was there, standing on my toes behind the door of the lounge, shivering, scared, afraid, screaming and crying when I heard two bullet shots right into my mother's head. And my brother... He was sitting on a kitchen counter, eating his ramen as if nothing is going on behind him with a calm expressions on his face.
They both were scary so scary than a ghost.
When I witnessed all of this I ran out off the house and hide my self under the tree as thinking that it could save me.
But trust me it did.
When I was shedding into tears
A voice and a tap on my shoulder made me pause. I looked up and saw a cute guy looking like he's at his 20s
"Can I?" He gestured his hands asking If he can sit besides me or not.
I slowly nodded.
"You know my father kicked me out of the house." He said and I lift my eyes to his direction. He was smiling. Calm smile.
"My mother died after giving Birth to me. And I'm the only son to my coward dad." He sighed. I started listening to him quietly.
"But unfortunately he kicked me out, saying that I'm not an asset for his business anymore." He scoffed.
"Why are you telling me all of this?" I asked with a frown.
He turned his head to me, looking into my eyes as if searching the reason why I'm sitting here but I looked else where.
"Because I think I needed to be open up to a stranger who won't judge me." He said.

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