chapter 14

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He helped me getting up when a realization hit me. " Wait- where is hoseok hyung and Y/N?. Shit shit shit! He said he'll be in the basement." I called him but no answer. " No. It- it can't be!" I called yoongi hyung and asked about them. " I only have jimin and jin with me " he said.


I looked at jungkook. "Taehyung don't worry they will be fine. Let me call to namjoon hyung." He called him but no answer. I started panicking. " Jungkook, keep trying to call namjoon hyung and hoseok hyung. I'm going inside to check."
He stopped me. "No tae. Don't go. You know we don't have time. Dae Hee's men will be here soon. Also it's burning inside."
He try to calmed me down but I knew it won't work. "Jungkook stop! You know I can't let her die like this. Also hyung. No he's everything to me I can't!" Tears started forming in my eyes. "Tae. Tae! Listen to me he's fine okay. I believe in him. May be he ran from the basement exit? Just come with me it's not safe here anymore. Police will be here. I can't let you in all by yourself." He try to convinced me but other than just nodding I lost all my courage.

The drive to the new destination was quite.
When we reached jin hyung ran towards me and grab me on his shoulder. "Oh my god he's bleeding so much. I'm taking him inside. You better check the security gates". I was half awake. I heard him saying this to jungkook. I saw everyone rushing towards me and in next seconds I dozed off.

I opened my eyes and saw jungkook and namjoon beside me. "Where is hoseok hyung? Where is she?" I asked.
"Taehyung calm down first. You are still not in your mind. You need rest." Namjoon hyung said.
"Shut the fuck up! Tell me where are they! I'm fine! " I screamed at them. Jungkook sighed. "Luckily They both are fine. Y/N is having fever and she's still not awake. We gave some medicines to her." A relief spread in me. "Thanks god. It was all my fault that I went against the plan."
"It's okay. Atleast we covered it up so well."
Jungkook said.
"Hello boys! My brownies are finally baked." Jin hyung came with brownies in his hands. We all started laughing. He called the rest of us. Yoongi came along with jimin on wheel chair. "Oh man! You were there to save Y/N huh? Lol see what you rewarded." I teased him and he rolled his eyes. We all laughed. "Okay okay enough. They all came out of nowhere and also Y/N and hoseok hyung were inside and I don't want them to be alone in the chamber that's why I was about to go inside too when this happened". He try to defend himself but we all laughed again.

"Where's is hoseok hyung?" I asked feeling his absence. They all shared a look with each other and then jin hyung spoke, "I'm so hungry as well as you all let's eat first." I felt the complete ignorance to my question. " I asked something! Where is hoseok hyung!?"
Namjoon hyung was about to say when yoongi interrupted, " he- he's sleeping inside. Let him rest." I felt something wrong in the air but I choose to ignore. I glanced at namjoon hyung but he's looking everywhere but not me.

Y/N Pov:

I opened my eyes and felt headache. I hissed in pain. " Where am I?" I questioned to myself. I saw dim lights and covered windows in the room. I turned my face only to see a cup of milk with flakes placed on side table.

Suddenly the door opened and saw Jimin entering on wheel chair. I furrowed my eyebrows, " what happened to you? And why I'm here? " He looked at me for a minute and said, " you are not feeling good sweet heart, first have something in your stomach."
He came near to me and handed me the flakes, "eat it. This is what I can manage for you. You know we can't do anything without taehyung's permission." I simply nodded.
"What happened to you by the way?". I asked.
"We just got some business with Dae Hee's men yesterday night. In the result, I got this, taehyung got a shot in his ankle and hoseok hyung..." He suddenly stopped while talking. I frowned, "wha-what happened to him? Is he okay?"

He then looked at me on my question, as deciding whether he should tell me or not. After a while he spoke, "he's in coma, he got a shock while saving you". My eyes popped out. "Oh my god! This is all my fault. Oh my god!"

Jimin Pov:

"Oh my god! This is all my fault. Oh my god!"
She suddenly started crying and hitting herself. I was shocked to see her in this condition for the first time. I went closer to her and stop her from hitting herself.

"Hey! Hey! It's not your fault. Stop blaming. Whoever the fault it was, already rewarded with the best punishment. It's okay he'll be fine soon. Oh my god you are crying! Stop crying. If taehyung will hear you, both of us will die and you are already not in a good condition."

My words Totally got wasted because she Didn't stop crying. I sighed, giving up.
I opened the drawer and give her a quick injection and she fell asleep.

I turned off the lights and turned to the door when the door burst open and he was there. I mentally slapped myself for being here.
"What are you doing here? And what's with the noises? Was she crying?" He bombarded me with his questions.

"Calm down man! She woked up suddenly and started crying so I gave her injection."
He give me a look as he's not believing what I'm saying. His eyes narrowed to the side table. Not with this one! Shit.

"Who gave her this and not even bothered to ask me first!?" He snapped at me and I looked on the floor. "Taehyung she's having a serious fever and she need to eat something. That's why I offered her the light lunch." I tried to convince him but it was no use.

He came closer to me and said with gritted teeth, " Jimin, I think your foot injury is not enough for you. Stop caring so much for her. This is the last time I'm telling you your place". He glared and I glared back. I turned my wheel chair to the door and went away.

Taehyung's Pov:

I saw jimin leaving the room and turned ny head to her. The tears stained her face and eyes were closed. As if she was tired of herself.

"Uh- Taehyung? Shall we go? You need more rest as your leg is still not recovered fully". I heard Jin hyung behind me.
"Huh? Oh, umm- you go I'm staying here for a while". I said Wandering in my thoughts. Then I heard the door closing.

I went close to her and saw some scratches on her forehead. Suddenly the past memory of me and haya.. came across my mind. She had the exact same scratches when she escape from that Hell. I touched the wounds and she hissed. I quickly back of my hands.

A ringtone escaped me from my thoughts.
Unknown caller. I frowned thinking about the unknown caller. I received.
"Who's it?" I asked.
"It's the last time you have saved your bones. Next and my last attack won't only blown you but even leave your mark any where in the world. It's the last time I'm warning you to hand her over me or else you won't see yourself and your so called puppies in this world or anywhere around." Dae Hee said.

I scoffed, trying not to laugh. "As If your own bones are strong enough to fight me. You know what? You should start drinking Milo. It will help your bones to be stronger.
Ah- talking about your first love, that's not gonna happen. Because in next few days I'll do the exact same thing you did with haya."
"Taehyung! Don't you! Da-"
And I cut the call before he complete his sentence.

I put my phone on the side table, went closer to her and put a strand of her hair back to her ear and smiled to myself. "You have become my favorite fruit now."

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