chapter 22

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Present Day

Taehyung's Pov:
I noticed joon smiling to himself. I turned to hoseok who has started little movements of his hands. His fingers started moving slowly. I knew he was trying so hard. I went closer and placed his hand into mine.
"It's okay hyung, don't force yourself too much. We can wait." I assured him. I knew he was listening. Always listening.
Tear slipped from my eyes.
Joon walked to us and placed his hands on my shoulder and give a gentle squeeze, making sure that he will be okay.

Suddenly we heard the door burst open and we turned our heads to see Jimin standing in front of us, panting hard.
"Woah woah woah. Hold up man!" Joon said motioning him to have Catch some breaths.
"Ta- Taehyung, we need to hurry-"
"Why? What happened now?" I asked.

He noticed that joon and I were having emotional breakdown in Hoseok's room and he suddenly smiled.
"Umm, can we have some little chit chat?" He gave me his fake smile and I rolled my eyes.
"No, say what you want to say right here."
He tsk and grabbed a seat next to us.
"Y/N's mother died this morning. Jungkook told me."
"Yeah I know" I lowered my eyes.
"No, you don't know what I'm about to say next."
I and joon both shared a glance in question.
"Well, I told this news to Y/N."
At his sudden confession, my eyes went wide
"No, you didn't!"
He sighed.
"Yes I did." He lowered his gaze. He knew I'm gonna burst on this news.
"Without my consent, you told her that? Oh My god jimin."
"What's the big deal tae? I think what jimin did was best for her. I mean that's what you want right? Seeing her in pain and you-"

"Oh heck! It's a big deal to me! I don't care whoever dies. She's already enduring so much because of me and now this news!?"

They both went quite.

Then jimin spoke again,
"Well, I'm not here for all of this drama. Just wanted to aware you guys that she locked herself in the bathroom. My bathroom."

I almost punched him for this.
I ran out of the room. But Suddenly I stopped when I reached to the bedroom door.
Wait taehyung, what are you doing? Isn't that what you want? Break you to death. The same way dae hee did with haya? Let her be. Let dae hee know what she's suffering.

A voice in my head were playing tricks to me and unfortunately I got trapped. I listen to it.
I opened a recorder in my phone and opened the door of Jimin's bedroom.

I went to the near the bathroom and tried to open it but it was locked.

I tap 'On' in the recorder app and placed it near to the door.

"Y/n com on, let's get out of the bathroom. Your mother is dead already. You can't do anything now." I mischievously said.
But in return I heard your sobbing.
"Do you want me to go to her funeral or something?" I throw another one. And this time I got succeed.

"Shutup! Just shutup! You're not a human taehyung!. My mother just died and you are here to play with me like this!? What I've done to deserve all of this huh? Just kill me already!"

You screamed and your voices echoed which gain others attention and they all ran to us.
I rolled my eyes.

"Well, okay baby girl let me kill you then."
And I tapped 'off' on the recorder.
A creepy smile appeared on my face. I clicked 'send' to dae hee.

Good job taehyung!

"What are you doing tae? Can't you see she's having a real hard time! Just like you had once!"
"Oh god I can't believe this!"
"Can't you just fuck her and leave her already? This is ridiculous taehyung!"
"Bro! This is not you!"
Everyone of them started hovering over me.
"Get out!" I told them and they all went quite.
When I noticed they didn't do what I said, I screamed again.
"I SAID OUT OF THE ROOM! RIGHT NOW! I fucking know what I'm doing alright? No go!"
I said in frustration and they all went out.

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