chapter 20

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I heard yoongi hyung clearing his throat and then when I realized that I was crying. I quickly wiped my tears and without looking at him, I went outside.

Y/N Pov:

The knock on the door caught my attention. I had a feeling that it must be jungkook and yes, I was right.
"Hey" he hesitantly said , scratching his neck, while closing the door behind him. I didn't respond.
"Did you eat anything?" I again ignored.
He sighed looking down and then came to me. I stepped back.
He sat down on the bed, right next to me where taehyung was sitting a while ago.

"Look, I know my presence is uncomfortable for you here and I know what you're thinking. But believe me harming you was never the plan me and Taehyung had." He tried to defend himself but yeah I don't trust him anymore.
When he noticed that I'm not responding him, he deeply sighed.
After a while he turned his head to me and said, "hazel miss you so much."
When he says hazel, I shifted my gaze from a window to him. I feel anger rising inside me. "Don't you dare to say my best friend's name from your filthy mouth!"
I exclaimed angrily.
"We are still a thing you know. She doesn't know all of this. I and you both of us love her so much and I'm sure both of us don't want to hurt her by telling all of this." He stated, jaws locked.
I rolled my eyes. "Jungkook, leave! I don't wanna talk to you. You just betrayed me and my best friend and huh! The best part is this that she doesn't even aware of this situation.!"
He looked at me, frustrated. He stood up and stormed out of the room.
The breath and tears I was holding back finally came out. I'm so tired of living in a hell now. Surprises after surprises. This is what I had least expected in my life.

Alot of questions started generating in my mind. What businesses does taehyung has with Dae Hee that he took me from his hands? What am I in this whole situation? Why is he treating me like this? Why jungkook did this to me? Why did he hide his identity and why is Jimin the only one seems to be so caring towards me?

"Time for your medicine sweetie" a voice snapped me out of my thoughts and I looked at the handsome tall figure standing in front of me with a glass and medicines in his hands.
His features was so unique, so handsome that I myself gazed out for a second. He was tall, sparkling eyes and red cheery lips. He was... He was incredibly handsome. I sighed.
Every single person in this house is so handsome and It's out of my senses that how they become such dangerous people with the beautiful faces of them.
"You?" I asked looking at him in question.
"Oh, sorry for not introducing myself earlier. I'm kim seokjin. The oldest one here and my cooking is no joke. Also I'm kind of a mother to these dickheads." He stated rolling his eyes and earning a soft small chuckle from me.
"So mr. seokjin, why these medicines for me?" I asked coming down from my dilemma.
He frowned and said, " you passed out last night and were cold to death. We all thought that you're dead but my kiss to yoongi's smart head that he manages you to bring back to your life." He kissed his hands playfully. "Now enough of the story and take your medicines." He offered me and I took it.
"Thankyou." I hesitantly said because he seems to be friendly out of all of them.
"Can I sit?" He asked after a while and I nodded.
He sighed heavily and turned his gaze to me.
"Look, I know taehyung is behaving a little odd and H.."
"Little?" I cut him off.
He sighed again.
"Fine, let me resentence it. He's behaving unbelievably odd these days specially towards you. And he's not doing what we planned but going on his own way."
I quietly listen to his words.
"Trust me he's not like this but even more crucial than you think. but He never did such things before what he's doing now" he stated looking into my eyes.
"What do you mean?" I asked, confused.
He didn't say anything for a while but then he spoke,
"He usually fuck girls who already fucked by Dae Hee and try to take out as much informations he can get from those girls." He stopped taking breath and continued again.
But the words left his mouth made my hair of my neck stood right up.
"Then he kill them" my eyes went widened hearing those words coming out from his mouth.
"He.. he kill them?" I questioned him at disbelief stuttering.
He nodded.
"But he did nothing like this to you. And it's not like we planned this doing to you. No.
We planned to take the information from you and send you back where you belong."
"And why is that so? I mean why not killing me or something?" I asked curiously.
"Because this is what jungkook agreed on with taehyung before spying on you."
I become speechless.
"He was agreed on that we won't lay a finger on you specially taehyung." He explained.
The curiosity got the best of me and I asked him,
"Then why did he throw me to the pool last night and.." I shut my eyes recalling the scenes from last night. "And kissed me brutally?"
He looked down and said,
"That's exactly we all are confused on. Yes we agreed to give you little tortures in order to get information of Dae hee but this was never the plan."

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