S-3 - E-2- Oiled

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I still couldn't believe what happened last night

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I still couldn't believe what happened last night. If shit doesn't calm down Mason is going to lock me up in a room somewhere with guards around 24/7. I laid with my head on Mason's chest as his arms were wrapped around me. I knew my father had slept in the spare room and my uncle slept on the couch. I run my hands up and down Mason's chest, making him growl at me. I smiled up at him.

"Fuck! Baby!" He says as he fixes himself. "Your dad and uncle are here. I don't think they want to hear you scream for me." He says as I pout at him. "Don't pout when they leave... Fuck... You won't walk for a week." He says with a growl as he rolls us so he is on top. I laugh as he starts to tickle me. "Now be a good girl and go start the coffee for us." he says, kissing me before getting up and heading to the bathroom.

"What am I your slave girl?" I ask as he laughs from the bathroom. I get up and head to the kitchen. I shake my head as I see how my uncle Kozik is sleeping on the couch. I start the coffee as my dad walks out and laughs as he walks into the kitchen. He kisses my head before sitting down at the table.

"When does Jax get out?" I ask as Mason walks in shaking his head.

"In two hours." Mason says as he fills a few squirt guns. He passes on to my father and then points to where Kozik is sleeping. My dad smiles and nods his head. I roll my eyes at their childish behavior as I start breakfast for all of us. I hear Kozik scream as Mason and my dad burst into laughter.

"Fucking assholes!" I hear as they all walk back into the kitchen. Kozik kisses my head. They all sat down at the table and talked as I cooked. 

I hug my brother when he is finally released from holding

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I hug my brother when he is finally released from holding. "How's Monroe?" He asks, looking concerned. I shake my head. Do I tell him she is scared shitless for our babies? Or that I want to send her away for a few months to make sure our kids can be born.

"She's ok. Freaked out but Kozik is with her right now!" I tell him as he nods his head. "One of the prospects is with Ameila." I tell him as he nods his head. He glares past me, making me turn to see what he is looking at. I growl as I see Tara. Happy grabs me cause he knows I am still pissed at her.

"Let's head out Mas!" Hap says pushing me over to my bike. "Monroe, would kick you ass if you get picked up for killing that dumb bitch! You and I both know that. You need to focus on her and the babies and finding Abel." He says as I sigh and nod my head. We leave my brother to handle his crazy ass ex.

I was pissed when my mother called me. I didn't want to answer the phone but Jax looked at me and then the phone before walking away. I had been ignoring her calls all day.

"Yes!" I say, not really wanting to talk to her. But I knew I would have to sooner or later. As she was my mother. But she also needs to be told off by me.

"Mas..." Ma says with a hint of anger in her voice.

"Yeah ma!" I say with a little more anger towards her. If she had listened to me then so much wouldn't have happened.

"How is Monroe and the babies doing? Are they ok?" She asks as I scoff at her. She has no right asking about my wife and kids.

"Like you care?" I say, still pissed that my mother didn't listen to me when it came to Monore and the twins.

"Of course I care. Where is this coming from?" She asks as I shake my head. I know what she is doing and it is pissing me off.

"Gee! I don't know, how about the fact that I asked you multiple times to bring her back to the clubhouse. Yet you didn't do it! Why I don't know! To piss me off... Maybe, because you think you know better. Hell yes. I am so tired of you overstepping when it comes to other old ladies and their old man." I say, starting to yell at her. I knew I was going to lose it on her.

"Mason, I am sorry. I was just just trying to correct a wrong." She says as I scoff again. I do not believe her. Not one bit.

"Monroe was hurt because you decided not to listen. All I wanted was for you to take Monroe back to the clubhouse. If you can't do what I ask when it comes to my wife, my old lady, how am I supposed to trust that you will listen when it comes to our babies. You decided to not listen to me. You are the reason my old lady and kids are in the hospital. And right now I fucking hate you." I screamed at her.

"That's not fair Mas... You know I would never do anything to harm my babies." She says and it pisses me off.

"No, ma they are mine and Monroe's babies. Not yours. They will never be yours." I now yell at her. Because now she is overstepping big time. "You need to understand that. They are Monroe's and mine babies. And right now you aren't even their grandmother. Just a danger to them. As all this has happened because you lied. You didn't listen." I say as Gemma gasps.

"Mason... You can't do that. Please. I am sorry." She says as I smirk. I knew this would get to her. Family was everything to her.

"Yes I can. You put my wife and kids in harm's way and I will remove anyone who tries to hurt them. Including you if I have to." I say as she sighs.

"I never meant for any of this to happen. I just wanted to have her with me." She says as now it is my time to sigh.

"Maybe not. But when a member tells you that they want the old lady and kids at the clubhouse... you take them back. You don't disregard them just because they are your son and you think you know what is best. You know how much Monroe means to me. You know how much our babies mean to me! But you still disregarded what I told you to do with my old lady and kids. I almost lost them because of you!" I told her I wanted her to understand that what she did was not ok and I will not overlook it again.

"I am sorry Mason. But Please don't cut me out of my grandbabies lives. Not now with everything going on. I need my family. You're all I have." She says and I could hear the fear in her voice. She was scared to lose her family.

"Then when it comes to my wife and our kids you need to listen and do as we ask. You are not their mother, you don't get to act like you are. I may let Hap dictate what goes on with Monroe. But he is her father. That is different. You were not looking out for her when you left her with Tara. Knowing damn well how we both feel about her." I say as she sighs.

"OK! I will. I am sorry. I just thought they should give her a chance. She is having my grandbaby." She says as I nod my head.

"No! She is not! Jax and I never slept with her!" I yelled and Gemma sighed. " She is lying to you and you are believing her bullshit! I have to go. I have club shit to take care of." I say before hanging up on her. Clay walks over and sighs.

"I know you are mad at her. I get that, really I do. But with everything going on, take it easy on her. She is taking all of this hard." He says as I shake my head.

"Clay, I love my mother... But she brought this on herself. How Jax has not ripped her apart... I don't know. But Monroe and I have almost lost our twin three times in the last few months. And it scares the shit out of me. And if she isn't going to listen when we are on lockdown then she won't listen any other time. I need to stand my ground when Monroe and our twin are involved for their safety and my sanity. She is an old lady not a member and she needs to be put in her place when she is the danger to others." I say as Clay smiles and nods his head at me.

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