Papa Hap

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

I paced the cell as I waited for my name to be called, Monroe and Mason were bringing the babies today for me to meet

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I paced the cell as I waited for my name to be called, Monroe and Mason were bringing the babies today for me to meet. Kozik had brought me a few pictures of them and Monroe and I have talked to Monroe on the phone a few times since they were born. Tig was laughing at me. "Man, calm down. You aren't being put to death!" He says with a chuckle. "She will be here! She wouldn't keep them away from you!" He says as I nod my head.

Maria had come to see me wanting me to talk to Monroe. I had to tell her that Monroe wasn't going to be so easy to get close to as she had hurt her and Monroe doesn't forgive easily. I also let her know about the little bitch Amy that has been trying to get into Mason's pants. Maria said she would take care of it and that Monroe and Mason wouldn't have to worry about her here soon. She had explained why she did what she did. I got it to a current point. But like Monroe said she should have told me. I would have taken care of it. I would have protected them both.

"I am not worried about that. I am meeting my grandbabies for the first time. I'm a grandpa!" I said, making Tig laugh.

"Is killa nervous?" He asked, making me growl at him. That just made him laugh even harder. Hell yeah! I am nervous, my baby is bringing her babies.

"Asshole!" I said as he smiled at me. I heard my name and sighed as I waited for the guard to open the door. When I walked into the visiting room and saw Monroe holding two little babies in her arms. I smiled as I walked over to her. I kissed her head before looking down at my Grandbabies. I smiled as Amara had little smiley faces all over her outfit and Knox had Samcro gear on. It looked like he had on a little kutt.

"Future little outlaw and Grandpa's girl!" I said as Monroe and Mason smiled at me. I smiled as I noticed the ring on her left hand.

"Monroe won't let me get him a kutt!" Mason said with a pout, making me laugh.

"He is only eight weeks old. He is a little young to prospect just yet!" Monroe says as Mason takes Amara and she hands me Knox. He was so little and looked so much like Mason. All he was missing was the tattoos.

"He looks like a Teller!" I say as Mason brings me Amara. "And she looks just like her momma." I say as Monroe smiles at me. Amara got mine and her mother's dark eyes and Knox got Mason's green eyes.

"We'll have to wait and see which one is a Lowman or Teller. But I think they will be a blind of the both of us." Monroe says as I smile at her and nod my head.

"Maria came to see me!" I say as Monroe huffs at me. "She wants to talk to you but doesn't want to push you at the same time. I think she is scared of what you will do!" I say as she nods her head.

"I know she called me a few days ago. Wanting to see how I was doing. She asked if we could talk. She is coming over next week for lunch with Me and grandma." She says as I nod my head at her.

"What about that Amy bitch? What is going on with her?" I ask as Mason laughs. But you could tell he was pissed.

"Don't think she will be coming back around anytime soon." Mason says as I look at him confused and Monroe smiles at me.

"What Happened?" I asked as Mason kissed Monroe's Head.

"She thought it was smart to try and kiss Mason in front of me." Monroe says, making me shake my head at her.

"Yeah! Which landed a nice right hook to her jaw. I am sure Monroe broke it!" Mason says as I smile over at my daughter. "That dumb bitch looked at me like I was going to do something. When I didn't she tried to cry to get me to do something. I told her that she wasn't wanted around the club and that none of us wanted her there. And that she disrespected my old lady and got what she deserved. She screamed about how she was better and a whole lot of other bullshit. You know what they all say!" Mason said as I shook my head.

"I reminded her that her birth mother was a maid that her father fucked and that the women she thought was her mother never wanted her around. Because she was the daughter of a whore." Monroe said as Knox started to get fussy. I handed him back to Monroe as Mason handed me Amara. She looked so much like Monroe when she was a baby.

"She hasn't been back around since then. I know Maria came and picked her up but what happened after that... I have no clue." Mason says as He kisses Monroe's head again. He then takes Knox from her.

"Maria said she would take care of her." I said, as Monroe looked at me confused. "How are you handling being parents?" I asked as I knew I was lost and didn't know what to do. Luckily I had my Ma helping me out.

"We are doing ok! It was hard the first few nights having them home!" Mason says as he pats Knox's back.

"Breastfeeding sucks!" Monroe says, making me laugh. "But they are good babies. Love to sleep!" She says as I nod my head.

"Just like you." I say as Amara looks up at me. "There were a few times I thought something bad had happened to you. Cause you would sleep and sleep when you were a baby." I tell her as she smiles at me. It made me sad that I had all these memoirs of Monroe as a baby or growing up and Maria didn't. But she was the one to walk away from us. Not the other way around.

"We have set up a routine and we try to stick to it as much as possible." Mason says as I smile over at him. "I know it will change once you all are out and we are doing more than what we have going on right now." He says as I nod my head. I handed Amara over to Monroe as our time was almost up.

"Grandma is coming next weekend with Aunt Rose." I say as Monroe nods her head as she puts Amara in her seat.

"Yeah! I know! I told her that I would skip next week so she can have the whole time with you." She says as I look at her shocked. I didn't want to miss out on time with her but I did want to talk to my mother about Maria. And I knew Monroe wouldn't want to talk to her.

"I would still like to see you and the twins." I said and she shook her head.

"No! Grandma wants to talk to you about the egg dorner and I don't want any part of that. I already regret agreeing to meet with her." She said and I nodded my head.

"When we get out I would like it if we spent a week or so with grandma. I know she would like to have her family around even for a little bit." I said and Monroe smiled and nodded her head.

"I would like that as well." She said as I was told my time was up. I hated that we only got an hour together. 

📜Author's Note📜

I will only be posting on Friday's it is my only set day off where I know I will be able to post new chapters. So be on the lookout on Friday's for new chapters.

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