Hap's Blood through and through!

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🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

🤬Inappropriate language in this chapter!🤬

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I watch as Maria's husband walks up to us. I scoffed at him. I knew who he was. Grandma always told me he was a bad man and that I needed to come inside if I ever saw him around. "Really this guy!" I say as I start to laugh. "This is the guy you left my father for?" I say while laughing. He glares at me only making me laugh harder. "This pansy ass bitch that you were so scared of hurting me." I say as I try to calm myself down. Dad had kicked his ass when I was 15 for what I was never sure. I just know that Dad and grandma never liked him.

"I see you are cocky like your father!" He says as I glare at him.

"Mean too! But you already know how mean he is." I say with a growl. Mason steps in front of me. The guy smiles at me.

"Maria, have you asked her yet?" He asks, looking over at Marie and their kids.

"No! I haven't! I wanted to get to know her first! She is my daughter after all!" She says as he scoffs at her.

"Of course!" He says, looking back at me. "Well if she won't then I will." He says as I smirk at him. "The money you received from my wife's grandmother. We need it. So you need to sign it over to me! All of it, not just what she left you but what it has made, in interest as well." He says as I laugh at him.

"Yeah no! I am not going to do that!" I say as Mason puts an arm around me. Chibs and Opie move closer to me. "I don't have to give you shit! Besides, I already divided it and put it into my childrens names." I say as he now looks at me pissed.

"We are your family... And you help your family, when they need it!" He says as Mason starts to laugh.

"You, your bastard son, whore daughter and bitch wife are not her family!" Mason says as Kozik moves closer to this asshole. "You were never her family and you never will be! Just some douchebag that thinks she would give a shit about you and your family. But she doesn't! Not about you, your wife or your kids." He says as Gemma pulled me back to her.

"I am asking nicely! If I have to take you to court then I will!" He says as both Mason and I smirk.

"Then do it! Even though you don't have a leg to stand on. I mean she passed away ten years ago. And unless a judge tells me that you are entitled to my money that was left to me and only me. You won't be seeing a penny of it." I say as he huffs at me. "But if you really want to go that route then so be it! Just know that I love a good fight and will be more than happy to destroy you!" I say with a shrug of my shoulder.

"Then how about I take your kid away from you!" He says, making me laugh. He stood there with a smirk.

"Shouldn't have said that!" I said as Mason started to swing on the guy. His son tries to get involved but Opie knocks him out in one punch. Kozik has a gun on Maria and her daughter.

"You dumb son of a bitch! No one threatens my wife and kids!" Mason says as Chibs pulls him off the guys. "Let me go!" Mason says as chibs hold him back.

"Mas... He will never get you wee ones!" Chibs says as he pushes Mason back. "None of us would ever let that happen." He says as I smile at the guy as he spits out blood.

"Don't ever think that I am some pathetic bitch! Like your wife. See, unlike her I know who I have in my corner." I say as Maria sighs at me. Their daughter runs over to her father. "And I know what they will do for me. I am not scared of you! My father raised me to be a fighter. To stand up for what I believe in." I say as he looks at me shocked. "Guess that is the difference between me and your wife. I was raised to be strong and know that the men in my life will look out for me." I say as Gemma smiles at me.

"Monroe! It's not like that!" Maria says as I laugh at her.

"If you were so scared that this pathetic excuse of a man was going to hurt me then you should have said something to my father or my grandmother. But you never did. I think it is because you knew what my father would have done to him." I say as Maria looks at me then her husband. He looks at me confused. "But then again it shows who truly mattered to you!" I said as Maria looked at me shocked.

"It really isn't like that Monroe! I love you more than anything. You were made out of love!" Maria says as her children look at her then me. "I loved your father with all my heart. I left to protect you! He was going to kill you and I wasn't about to let that happen. Hell... The girl isn't even mine. She is his mistress, he made her sign over her rights and I was forced to raise her." Maria says, making her husband glare at her and her daughter to start to cry.

"Mom?" Her son gets up and walks over to her. "What are you talking about?" He asks as she looks at him.

"The maid Melanie... She is her mother. She is not mine." She said as the daughter started to cry even harder. "I never wanted her but your father threatened Monroe. So I had to act like her mother." She said with no emotion. "God that felt good to say! I have hated every minute I have had to live with her thinking she was mine." Maria says as she lets out a deep breath.

"Maria enough!" Her husband says as he tries to walk over to her.

"NO! I never planned on asking Monroe for any of the money! I hate you, I have always hated you. The only good thing that came out of us was Ryder. And I am not sure if he is even yours or if he is Hap's." She said as her husband walked closer to her.

"You don't mean that! You're just upset!" He said as he looked at her shocked.

"OH! I mean every word of it." Maria says with a laugh. "Like I told you on our wedding day. I may have married you but I will alway be in love with Happy! You were and never will be half the man he is." She said as I started to laugh! "I also filed for a divorce. Which was granted to me three weeks ago! We are no longer married. You can no longer hurt me." She says as she looks at her son. "I am sorry my son! But I can't do it any more." She said as she looked at her now ex-husband.

"Maria this better be a joke!" He says as she shakes her head.

"No joke! I am done with you. Ryder is an adult and I don't have to put up with your threats any more. It is clear you won't be getting to my daughter and her kids anytime soon. So I can be free of you now!" Maria says as she turns to me. "I really only left to protect you! I would like to get to know you and maybe one day you will let me be a part of your life." Maria says before walking away. Leaving her ex-husband behind.

📜Author's Note📜

I will only be posting on Friday's it is my only set day off where I know I will be able to post new chapters. So be on the lookout on Friday's for new chapters.

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