S-3 - E-8- Lochan Mor

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I was still annoyed with my brother for what he did to Amelia

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I was still annoyed with my brother for what he did to Amelia. The whole plane ride he would try to explain why he did it and I would just laugh at him. "You really think that what you did to Amelia can be explained away like that. You are a piece of shit for doing that to her. And with Ima you better hope you didn't catch anything." I said as everyone just watched us. I knew Clay had something to do with it as he looked between me and my brother.

"Like you wouldn't have done the same thing! And hadn't you been fucking her for over a month?" He says, and I was ready to kill him.

"Hell no! I wouldn't... Monroe and our babies mean everything to me. I would rather die than hurt her or them. But that is the difference between us. I don't claim to love someone and then fuck around with the biggest fucking whore in Charming! Or blame her for something she had nothing to do with. You want to blame someone for Aebl being kidnapped then blame Tara. Half-sack got killed protecting him, Monroe was knocked out protecting him and Tara, not a damn thing happened to her. Cause she rolled over and handed your son to him. As for what happened between me and Ima. I was single and made sure to wrap my shit every time with her. And so we are clear. I fucked her once!" I say as Jax just looks down at the ground.

"You are right! I am blaming her for what happened and I shouldn't be. And what I did to her was way out of line. I just needed to take out my anger on someone and I didn't want to do that to Amelia." He says as I scoff at him. "Here's to hoping that she will forgive me when all this is over. I know I don't deserve it but I hope she will." He says as I shake my head at him.

"If you are lucky but if I was her I wouldn't! I would walk away from you like you were nothing at all." I say as Jax looks at me shocked. After that we stopped talking. Ma came and sat by us.

"You two need to stick together. I get that you are mad at him Mason... So am I but he has so much going on and he needs you!" Ma says as I scoff at her. "And Jax you need to stop thinking with your dick and start using your head. You are losing the one person who has stood by you and cared for you since you were a child. Soon she will see that she can do better than you!" Ma says as Jax nods his head. "Hurt her again and Monroe will kill you!" She says as I laugh and Jax looks scared as he looks from me to Ma.

Once we finally arrived at the Belfast clubhouse I was beyond annoyed. I quickly called Monroe hoping she was up and I could just hear her voice. When she picked up and sounded all sleepy I knew I woke her up. "Hey baby... Sorry to wake you!" I say as I watch my brother, step father and mother walk over to two ladies.

"It's ok. I take it you all made it with no problems?" She asks as I sigh, not knowing if I should tell her the truth right now!

"We hit a bump in the road but we are all whole." I say, I hear her sigh as that is not what she wants to hear. "I know baby, but we are all good. Me and your dad are whole." I say as Jax waves me over. "Baby! I have to go. I'll call you later and fill you in!" I say as she just grunts at me. I laugh as I hang up my phone. I walk over to my brother.

"Mas... This is Maureen Ashby and her daughter Trinity." My brother says as I shake each of their hands.

"Nice to meet you!" I say as Trinity gives me a flirty smile. I roll my eyes at her. "Look, I need to call Monroe back. Make sure everything is alright back home." I say as Trinity looks at me confused.

"Who is Monroe?" She asks as I roll my eyes again.

"Monroe is Mason's wife and mother of his twins, she is also Hap's daughter!" Ma says as she points out Hap. Trinity nods her head at Ma. "Mas call your women and make sure my grandbabies are ok!" Ma says as I shake my head at her. She knew she was still on thin ice with me. 

I was a little annoyed that I couldn't find the paperwork I needed

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I was a little annoyed that I couldn't find the paperwork I needed. I had Amelia helping me but we still couldn't find it. I watched as Amelia and Layla talked. I knew it wasn't Layla's fault what happened with Ima and Jax so I wasn't going to take my anger out on her. I was more than annoyed with my uncle and Tig. They were fighting like an old married couple.

"Princess!" I heard my uncle call for me. I turned to look at him and Tig. "Stay here we have something to take care of and are taking two of the prospects with us. So you need to say in Phil's sight." He says as I nod my head.

"You do know I am not a baby! Right! That I know how to protect myself." I say as they both smile at me as they walk away. I huff as I know this is my father's and Mason's doing. I went back into the office to continue to look for the paperwork I needed. I never heard Tara walk into the office.

"Can we talk?" I heard, making me jump and turn around.

"What the fuck do you want now? Mason has already said that he will get a court order for a DNA test that will be done as soon as you pop out your kid." I say as Tara huffs at me. "As well as Jax, he will also be requesting a DNA test!" I say and she looks shocked. I wasn't going to let her think that she would get away with anything. Not now, not ever.

"I get that you don't like me... But I love Jax and just want him back." She says as I shake my head at her. "I will do what I have to to be protected and near Jax. even if that means I have to lie about Mason being the father." She said and I frowned at her. I knew she was lying but now I had proof.

"Even if he doesn't want you? I mean really do you think lying is the way to go. They will find out the truth. What do you think they will do when they get it?" I ask as she sighs and looks at me sad. That soon changed when Amelia walked in. Tara huffed and walked out. I laughed as Ameila looked confused as to what just happened. "She wanted to talk. I am sure she was going to try and convince me that Jax was the father of her baby!" I say as Amelia nods her head.

"It's Hale's... He told me before he passed that they had been sleeping together and that she had just found out she was pregnant before he was killed!" Amelia says as I really start to laugh.

"What a slut bag!" I say as Amelia laughs and nods her head at me. "I mean she really thinks she can pass his son off as Jax or Mason's then she is just as stupid as she looks." I said and Amelia laughed.

"I need to ask you something?" Amelia said and I nodded my head waiting for her to continue. "What do you think about me and Jax having this baby?" She asked and I was a little taken back by this. "I mean even you can agree that there never is a right time to have a kid in this kind of life." She said and I was still confused. "I mean look what has happened with you and Mason." She said and now I was pissed. What the fuck did she mean by that?

"I don't know what you mean but Mas and I love our babies and we would give them up for anything." I said before turning back to find the paperwork I was looking for. I heard her sigh and then the door slam. An hour or so later Mason called to give me an update on what was going on. I was still pissed but thought it was best not to tell him what had happened with Amelia. He sounded like he was dead on his feet. 

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