The Letter

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One Month inside


I wanted to start off by saying how sorry I am that I just up and left you. I was young and dumb and mostly scared that I couldn't do it. That I couldn't be a wife and mother. I know me saying this doesn't make up for the almost 23 years I have missed with you and our daughter. But I am so sorry that I abandoned you and her. I know I will never be able to get back that time or love that I missed out on, but I was hoping that you would be willing to give me a second chance. To show you that I can be that person that you and her need. And if you are willing then maybe she would be too.

I have noticed that we are going to be grandparents. I have watched her and who I am guessing is the father of our grandchild, over the last few days and she looks happy with him and in love. I know that doesn't sound good but I wanted to watch her before I talked to her. I know she must hate me for leaving you and her. I have heard that she is a daddy's girl. Not that that surprises me. You always had a way of getting girls wrapped around your finger.

It also doesn't surprise me at all, seeing how I was never in the picture. Again I am sorry for that. At the time I thought I was ready to be a mom. But I wasn't, I didn't realize just how hard being a mom was going to be. And I only did it for five days. I am thankful for your mom and all she did for our daughter. And of course to you! You stepped up and became a man and took care of her. Like any good father would do!

I am grateful to your mother for stepping up and taking care of our baby. When she could have said no or taken her to my parents. Though I don't think you would have had the kind of relationship you do today with her if she had done that. I want to come and see you if you will let me. Write to me if it is ok for me to come and see you. I do still love you, Happy! Always have and always will.


I was pissed as I read the letter from my baby mama. She didn't once say Monroe's name. I was pissed that she is claiming to be a grandparent to my daughter's babies. She was nothing to her, she was nothing to those babies. Once I told her that her mother left her when she was five days old she stopped wondering about her. That was when she was ten years old. I knew Monroe was coming to visit today so I would need to talk with Mason about who has been around or if they have seen anyone watching them. I may be inside but my baby girl will always be my main priority to protect. Her and those babies.

"Happy, man you ok?" Tig asks as I growl.

"Hell no I am not ok!" I say as I hand him the letter. He reads it and laughs. But not a 'haha' kind of laugh but a 'oh shit' kind of laugh! One he did when my Daddy killer side came out.

"Look I get that you don't like people talking shit about Monroe's mom but this bitch seems to have a few wires crossed." He says as I chuckle. Yeah it did.

"Is that your nice way of saying she is crazy?" I asked as he nodded his head. "Monroe will never want her in her life or the twins. We have talked about it." I say as Tig looks at me confused.

"What about you? Do you want to let her back into your life?" He asks as I huff.

"I don't know man... She was my first love, she gave birth to Monroe. But she also ripped out my heart the day she left me and abandoned Monroe." I say as I rub my face with my hands. I know If I let her back in Monroe will pull away from me. She told me once that if her mother ever came back that she wanted nothing to do with her. And if she wasn't good enough to be her daughter then then she wasn't good enough to be a mother to her now.

"Monroe coming today to see you?" Tig asks as I smile over at him.

"Yeah! Might be the only time I get to see her before the babies are born." I said as He nodded his head.

"Yeah! I can't wait to see who they look like. Have they picked out names yet?" He asks as I nod my head.

"Thay have but won't tell anyone until they are born. Not even me!" I say as Tig laughs at me. I shake my head at him. "I hate that I will be in here when she goes into labor. Hell, I will miss their first year of their lives." I say as he nods his head.

"You know I wish that I had the kind of relationship that you and Monroe have with my girls." He says as I shake my head.

"It hasn't always been good. There were a lot of times she hated me. Hell you have seen one of those times. I wasn't the best father to her. I tried to be there as much as I could without the club knowing about her." I say as he nods his head. "It might have helped that her mother wasn't in the picture to talk shit about me." I say as Tig chuckles and nods his head. "My biggest regret was what happened on her 21st birthday. I have never talked to her that way. I have never told her that I have never wanted her before. Because it was never true. Fuck! and me telling her that the whores were more important then her. Fuck! That shit ain't true. Never has been, never will be." I say, Tig pats me on the back.

"Hap... Monroe loves you! You know with everything that has happened... She still came to me and asked me to make sure that you didn't do anything stupid. To make sure you came out whole. Her words were, 'I may be an adult but I still need my daddy to come home to me, to his grandkids.' That little girl may be your world but you are also her's." He says as I tear up a little bit.

I know that she was my world, but I didn't think she still needed me now that she and Mason were starting a family. It made me feel a little better knowing that my baby still needed me. I looked at the picture that Monroe had sent me of us in her last letter. It was one when she was five and we were sitting on my Ma couch and I was reading her a book. She was smiling up at me. I remember that day. It was Christmas eve and I had made it to Ma's place just in time to read her a story before bed. When I put her to bed I helped Ma get all the gifts for her under the tree, before I headed to bed. I hadn't laid down for more than 20 minutes before Monroe crawled into my bed with me. She giggled as she climbed under the covers. I chuckled as I pulled her close to cuddle with her. Never like to cuddle unless it was with my daughter. For her I would do anything.

But how was I going to bring up the woman that just up and left us. How do I open that old and almost healed wound? Especially now with Monroe being pregnant. I also wonder if I should write back and tell Maria to leave Monroe alone and to not contact me again. That we wanted nothing to do with her. That she made her bed and now she could lay in it. Even if she was allowed back in we would never be together again. I like how I had my life. I like the quick and easy hookups.

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