S-4 - E-14- To Be, Act 2

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I was pissed as the Cartel told us they were CIA

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I was pissed as the Cartel told us they were CIA. I was pissed as we knew everything that had happened to our father. Pissed that there was a Rico case against us all because of Jax and Clay. I looked at my brother and glared at him. As soon as they were gone I hit him. "Fucking bastard. I should kill you! I told you this would happen. Not only did you get us wrapped in with the cartel but now we are tied to the CIA." I yelled as He looked so ashamed.

"I am sorry!" He yelled as we started to fight. "I will fix this. I will get us out." He said as Hap and Chibs held me back. "I will get us away from the Cartel." He said as I scoffed at me.

"You better cause if you don't I will kill you in the name of the club." I said as Jax looked shocked and upset at me. "You don't deserve to be at the head of that table." I whispered into his ear. "Amelia is not the new Queen of Samcro. Monroe is. Amelia is nothing more than a backstabbing gash that is only looking out for herself." I said as the guys looked at Jax and nodded their heads at him. He nodded his head at me.

After everything that happened today. I sat with Monroe and told her what was going on. Even though they told us not to. I needed her to know what Clay and Jax had gotten us into. "OH! Shit Mas... I thought the cartel was bad... But this... This could destroy the club. Hell kill it, if you don't watch how you all do things." She said as I sighed. She looked so scared and I didn't like that.

"I know! We needed to head to the clubhouse. The Cartel wants Jax at the head of the table. Since Clay isn't there anymore. They are holding a RICO case against us." I said as she scoffed at that. I smiled at her. She didn't believe Jax should be at the head of the table either. "I know, baby. I don't want him there either. But if we don't do what they want they will crush us. And not just the club. They will take down everyone." I said as she frowned at me. I helped her with the twins before we left. Getting them ready to leave.

When we got to the clubhouse I didn't see my brother and knew he was up to something. When he walked into the clubhouse he pulled me into the chapel. "I asked Opie to be my VP." He said as I nodded my head. I figured he would do that. They have always wanted to be at the head of the table.

"Good! He would work hard to get us out of the shit you and Clay got us into. We need someone that is looking out for the club." I said as He nodded his head back at me. I knew that it gutted him.

"Mas... I know you aren't happy with me and I get that but I am trying here. To fix what me and Caly did. I wish you could see that!" He said as I scoffed at him.

"You know it is funny... Just this morning you were dead set about leaving and now you are going to be at the head of the table. When you don't deserve it one bit." I said as he nodded his head. "Chibs, should be your right hand. Him or Happy. The club is their life and they will protect it. You don't care anymore." I said as I took my seat at the table.

"Mas... I am sorry. I never meant for this to happen. I was really only doing what I thought best." He said as I glared at him.

"Save it prez. You and I both know you don't deserve that seat or the patch! Hell that Kutt." I said as he nodded his head. One by one the guys came in taking their new seats. I laughed when Amelia walked in. "You need to teach your gash her place. Only the Queen can walk in without an invite!" I said as Amelia looked hurt and confused. "He didn't tell you. He might be the president but you will never be the Queen of Samco. Since you want out so badly!" I said as Jax sighed and Amelia looked shocked. A few of the guys started to laugh.

After church was out, Amelia tried to talk with Monroe. But Monroe wouldn't give her the time or day. "Could you get Monroe to give Amelia a chance? She wants to fix their relationship. She misses her friend." Jax asked as I smirked at him.

"Now, why should I do that? Amelia lied just like you. Monroe has cut her out, they ain't friends anymore. Amelia may be your old lady but that is all she is anymore. She ain't a friend or family just Jax Teller's lying bitch of an old lady. Same with our mother. Your lying gash started all kinds of problems with my old lady and wife. Now she needs to learn her place. Amelia is not Queen and she never will be. And if you try to push the matter with me or Monroe. Me and you will have problems and let's not forget that I can and will crush you." I said as he looked at me shocked.

"Don't talk about her like that!" Jax said as I smirked at him.

"Or what?" I said with a cocky smirk. "Don't like hearing the truth about her?" I asked as Jax looked at me mad. When Amelia walked up to us.

"Why is she Queen? I'm Jax's old lady." She asked as I laughed.

"Cause you don't deserve to be Queen of this Club." I said as she took a step away from me and Jax. "Here is a thought Amelia. Why don't you run off to wherever you were going to go this morning. Since you lied to Gemma about me and Monroe leaving. Why don't you run like the scared little bitch we all know you are!" I said as Amelia gasped at me.

"I am sorry. I didn't know she would react that way." She said as I scoffed at her.

"The hell you didn't! You have been around our mother long enough to know just how she would react." I seethed at her.

"Mason!" I heard Monroe say as her hand was placed on my shoulder. "Enough. They caused the damage and now they need to fix it. Though one of them will never be able to. What she caused has even come to light just yet." Monroe said as she looked at Amelia. Almelia gulped as Monroe glared at her.

"Monroe! I am sorry. I didn't mean for any of this to happen. I just wanted to keep my family safe. As a mother you should get that." Amelia says as Monroe smiles at her.

"You know at one point I thought you were different from Tara. But it is clear you are just like her. A lying snake waiting to strike. But I am waiting to cut that snake's head off." Monroe said before walking away from us. I smiled as she made a very good point.

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