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[Scars don't heal]

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[Scars don't heal]

Milo nudged me once we left the interrogation room. "Clever." He left a laugh slip between his lips. "I was trying to keep a straight face and act like I wasn't surprised, trust me when I say that I struggled to do that." He shook his head. "By the way, who did you convince the doctor to play along? I mean it's easy for you to convince me to act along but a doctor? How did you do that man?"

"Play along with what?" I sipped my water and acted like I had no clue whatsoever to what he was talking about. A smile crept on my face, the same way winter crept on us. Fall passed by faster than summer did, and now winter was already embracing our faces with its cold air.

"Ayy, you know what I mean." He said playfully while nudging my shoulder. I do owe him an explanation, but I did find it amusing that he did not know that I would pull such an act. We both clocked out and made our way to the train station.

I lifted my shoulder before letting them fall again. "It's better if y/n believes that Jimin is dead... I think it's better for her och him if she believes that and I guess the doctor agreed with me." It was a decision I struggled with, a lot in fact. Telling the truth or the lie will both come with different consequences that could dramatically change the lives of everyone involved. For a long time, I wanted to tell the truth as I am not keen on lying but I also knew how much the truth hurts at times. Even though y/n and Jimin no longer hold any places in my life, I would not be able to live with myself if I put them in danger. So at the last minute, I decided to fabricate evidence and forge documents that would ultimately help both of them. But I also knew the dangers of lying to her. Based on the way she reacted in the interrogation room is must have been hard for her, but it is for the best. Even though I'm no doctor, it's quite evident that she needs more help than ever.

He slowly nodded, seemingly taking his time to understand my perspective of things. "Since he's not dead, where is he? I tried to search that up but I couldn't find any information about his whereabouts, or about him for that matter." I can feel Milo being suspicious about me, he must think that I have removed information about Jimin, he would be right to believe so. But I have my reasons to protect Jimin, even if he did things he shouldn't have, even if he hurt me.

I know that I can trust Milo but some things are better left unsaid. I was not planning on lying to him, so I told him like it was. "He's abroad somewhere, so there's no need to worry. He's doing just fine." He does not need to know more than that, no one needs to know more than that. Quite frankly, sometimes I wish that I didn't know more than what Milo knows. It goes to say that we often don't get the choice to choose the life we live. He is quick to catch on to that so he does not ask any further about his whereabouts. Maybe that was why I trusted Milo so much, he has always been incredibly reliable.

MY OBSESSION | P.J.MWhere stories live. Discover now