Author's note

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I'll try to keep it short!

Firstly, the end is up for interpretation! However, if you have any thoughts or questions regarding anything about the story, please leave a comment! I'm more than happy to read and answer what you all have in mind.

If interested, I would like to publish a sequel to this work but I do think that the ending of this story is long overdue hahaha! I can't believe how long I've been writing this story, it's been years at this point! I am certainly a different person from the human I was when I started the story, and I like to believe that I've grown as an author as well. Just thinking back on the very first chapters of this book makes me cringe, to put it simply.

I would love to continue writing, if the public so wishes, I want to not only publish a sequel to My OBSESSION but also two new ones.

One of the story lines I'm going to publish this year is one that I would absolutely love to publish, I started crafting that story well before MY OBSESSION ever existed. However for the story to work, I need my readers to actively engage with the story. It might not make sense right now, but I think it'll be fun for both you guys and I. Please, I would like to know if you would like to read more works  from me. I thoroughly enjoy being able to write for you all! : )

I've published a new story now, I hope that story will be of interest to you all!

A bit strange to end a story that has followed me for a while now, but closing old doors will open new one's, right?

Lastly but probably most importantly, I would like to thank everyone that has read this work and shown their support. Whether you have been a silent reader or a commentator I greatly appreciate the love and kindness I've been shown. Thank you, I sincerely mean that.

I look forward to what the future holds!

All love ❤️

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