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"Wake up y/n." I softly tried to awaken her. "I need to show you something." I gazed into her eyes but there was a certain heaviness in them and I knew that I would never be able to forgive myself. She frantically looked around and I could see the terror set in her eyes once she realized she was here.

"So it was you?" She yelled. "You were the nurse!? You psycho why won't you let me be for fucks sake!" She tried to punch and push me away from her. She wasn't wrong to feel the way she was feeling. It was only reasonable for her to be afraid and foremost angry. So far since meeting her I've only managed to hurt her more than to love her. Good intentions don't matter if the results are bad. Even if I didn't mean to hurt her; I still did. So telling her that it wasn't in my intention to hurt her, wouldn't actually matter. Because it won't undo the damage that's been made.

But I've also been suffering because of this. I wish I could end my love so all of the sufferings would stop. Every corner of my heart loves her the same way that I loved her at the begging of it all. Trust me, I've tried so hard to do my best. I've done almost everything to fix it all. I tried putting her in scenarios that would solve all of this. I've kidnapped her and forced her to do things that I regret deeply. I've acted impulsively many times. I've become beyond mad because of how frustrated I felt that nothing was working.

I made everything worse for her when all I wanted her to do was to remember me, to remember my love, and the love we once shared.

Though there's one thing left that could work and this will be my last chance to try it. I'm aware that this sounds confusing but it will all make sense in the end. I promise.

I knew that there was no use in denying that I acted as the nurse but I couldn't bare to answer her. She looked around and felt her body to see if she was restrained or not, which she wasn't. I noticed how she eyed the door before she looked back at me. "The door is locked, no use in trying. But you need to see this. Please, if there's a time that you should trust me, it's now."

The fact that this could be my last chance of having her back, was all that was going through my mind. After this, I don't think there's a lot left in me to give, or anything more for me to do. This could be my last chance. I've done many things I can't proudly speak of.

But none of that worked. None of that shit worked. Instead, she thinks I'm a psychopathic stalker who is sickly in love with her.

If all the pictures of her wouldn't do the job, I could only hope that this next thing would do it. I took my phone out of my pocket and pulled out a pair of headphones. "When was the last time you listened to music?" I tried to release the awful tension in the air.

MY OBSESSION | P.J.MWhere stories live. Discover now